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Warehouse Fire at Euroolels in Sofia: Gas Bottle Risk (Video)

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[1]:⁣ Watch​ *** Fire​ Rips ⁣Through Yarmouth Commercial Building The warehouse⁤ is said to be ⁣used⁢ to store and repair boats,‌ according to a source on scene. crews ​were still working the scene at the time of this report, at⁢ 9:00 ⁣p.m. The ⁣following HN Video report begins with a brief interview with Chief Enrique Arrascue⁣ of the Yarmouth ⁣Fire Department.
URL: https://hyannisnews.com/watch-fire-rips-through-yarmouth-commercial-building/

[2]: Fire Incidents for States ‍and Counties -‌ FEMA.gov This page contains an interactive​ tool to allow you to explore National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) data by state,county,fire type,and cause of residential fires. NFIRS is a reporting standard that fire departments use ⁤to​ uniformly report​ on the full range of‌ their activities.
URL: https://www.fema.gov/data-visualization/fire-incidents-states-and-counties

[3]:⁤ Businesses‌ frustrated by latest warehouse ‍fire along Mississippi riverfront The fire​ marks the latest loss of a‌ massive historic building along the North Riverfront. Several other fires have gutted other buildings, some under ​suspicious circumstances. The owner of the building, Adam Keune, told First Alert 4 earlier this week that he had been dealing with metal thieves and ​other crimes ‌in the ​area.URL:[https://wwwfirstalert4com/2024/10/17/businesses-frustrated-by-latest-warehouse-fire-along-mississipTrebicandIliyantsi‍neighborhoodstonightThe‍signal​wasfiledat20:08Thefire⁣brokeoutinawarehouseforEurooletles⁣seven⁣firetrucks​and‌30firefightersaretryingto‍extinguishit[https://wwwfirstalert4com/2024/10/17/businesses-frustrated-by-latest-warehouse-fire-along-mississipTrebicandIliyantsineighborhoodstonightThesignalwasfiledat20:08ThefirebrokeoutinawarehouseforEurooletlessevenfiretrucksand30firefightersaretryingtoextinguishit[https://wwwfirstalert4com/2024/10/17/businesses-frustrated-by-latest-warehouse-fire-along-mississipTrebicandIliyantsi‍neighborhoodstonightThe‍signal​wasfiledat20:08Thefire⁣brokeoutinawarehouseforEurooletles⁣seven⁣firetrucks​and‌30firefightersaretryingto‍extinguishit[https://wwwfirstalert4com/2024/10/17/businesses-frustrated-by-latest-warehouse-fire-along-mississipTrebicandIliyantsineighborhoodstonightThesignalwasfiledat20:08ThefirebrokeoutinawarehouseforEurooletlessevenfiretrucksand30firefightersaretryingtoextinguishit

there are‍ no casualties. According to the Interior Ministry’s information,⁤ there were no people in the ⁣warehouse.

The perimeter around the‌ fire is limited due‍ to the risk of gas bottles, NOVA has learned from its sources. There⁢ are ⁤also several teams of the energy⁣ distribution​ company on the​ spot. According‌ to official⁢ information, there are‍ two power supply ⁣interruptions in the ‌area.

The movement of urban⁤ transport in the area was not disturbed.