From famous codes like the Konami Code to the commands in the original Doom, cheat codes have been a part of video games for many years. For those who don’t know, cheat codes are often leftover commands that developers used to test their games. In some cases, cheat codes didn’t just give players a competitive advantage, but instead unlocked funny cosmetic changes like giving the player a big head.
Although cheat codes have become much more common over the years, that does not mean that they have disappeared completely. They still have some games, including PC exclusives like Warcraft 3. Cheat codes were part of this game when it was first released in 2002, and they still work even in Warcraft 3: Reforged. Whether you just play with it or want to
How to use cheat codes in Warcraft 3: Reforged

In some games, you need to use a special command or change the operation file to enable cheating. But this is not the case in Warcraft 3: Reforged. To use cheat codes in Warcraft 3: Reforged, press the “Submit” button to open the chat window.

Type in any cheat command you want to use, then press the “Submit” button. The cheat will be activated, and you will see a message appear in the lower left corner of the screen saying: “Cheat enabled!”, which means that the cheat has been activated. function successfully. In the example above, the player entered the command “greedisgood,” which immediately gave him 500 gold and 500 wood.
All codes for Warcraft 3 reforged

Cheat codes are perfect for casual players who just want to know the story of the game and enjoy it without focusing on the challenge. The functionality of these codes expands widely and includes many features, from making units invincible, to providing instant resources, to unlimited supplies and level skipping. Players who are looking for a random experience or want to tinker a bit with the game can also benefit from these codes. Here is a list of all cheat codes available in Warcraft 3: Reforged:
- there is a spoon – Each unit provides unlimited mana.
- the dudeabides – Remove the current cooldown for spells.
- riseandshine – Change the game to daylight.
- light up – Switch the game to night.
- harmony – Disables the technology tree, allowing all technologies to be accessed without requirements.
- a blessing – Gives 500 gold and 500 wood instantly.
- key # – Giving a certain amount [#] gold according to the number entered.
- leaf # – Giving a certain amount [#] of wood according to the quantity entered.
- from whoisjohnga – Enables all research.
- our constitution belongs – Get immediate results.
- someone planted the bomb – Immediate effect.
- strength and honor – Prevents losses from being implemented regardless of the situation.
- itvexeme – It is forbidden to exercise influence, regardless of the situation.
- dense – It makes construction time very fast so units and buildings can be built in moments.
- iocaine powder – Makes units die faster than normal.
- jam people – Completely removes fog of war, allowing to see the entire game map.
- sharp – Increases the level of each unit and building by one level.
- who are you two? – Makes your units invulnerable and kills enemies with one hit.
- point break – Removes the food limit, allowing additional units to be recruited without restrictions.
- motherland [Race] [Level ##] – Allows you to move to any specific level. Example: Motherland orc 04.
- head of tenth grade – Playing the song “Earth, Wind & Fire” as a funny addition to the game.
Cheat codes only work in single-player campaign mode, so don’t bother trying to use them in multiplayer or normal games, because they won’t work in those modes.
An avid gamer, I love story games, and I’m not ashamed to say that I also love first-person shooters.