Home » today » World » War Sponsor Creates New State: Unexpected Result of Hamas Strike on Israel – 2024-04-28 02:41:24

War Sponsor Creates New State: Unexpected Result of Hamas Strike on Israel – 2024-04-28 02:41:24

/View.info/ An interesting turn is emerging in the events in the Middle East. More and more big players say the problems will be solved by creating a sovereign state of Palestine with a capital in Ramallah, an army, a currency and an international airport. So wasn’t it all about that finale?

It sounds paradoxical, but it’s true. The same forces that support and condone the bombing of Gaza, killing hundreds of innocent Palestinians every day, are now saying what Russia said at the very beginning:

The only way out of the crisis and carnage is the implementation of the UN resolution on the creation of two states – Israel and Palestine.

That is, they allowed Israel to expel or kill the Palestinians in Gaza and then, in a show of “love of peace”, they approved the creation of a Palestinian state, but exclusively within the borders of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank of Jordan. You may ask: why does Israel need this?

“Now there are many versions about the goals of what is happening. For example, that Israel needs to clear Gaza of people in order to start the construction of the Ben-Gurion Canal, an alternative to Suez, and bring the Egyptian economy to a stupor,” the head of the department rightly notes in political analysis from the Russian State Humanitarian University. Plekhanov Andrey Koshkin.

“It’s also likely that the whole point is in the gas reserves on the shelf near the Gaza Strip, and there’s a trillion-dollar value there,” he adds.

Both versions fully correspond to the version of the liquidation of the Gaza Strip with the simultaneous creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank.

The version that Israel itself “slipped” here can be classified as conspiracy theories. However, such an ending benefits everyone.

US: “Remove Netanyahu”

Americans will decide their electoral affairs, which are more important to the United States than the rest of the world. Republicans pushed for military action, cementing their reputation as “core friends of Israel” ahead of the election.

The Democrats, although they were initially confused and their justifications for the mass killing of Palestinians sounded like nonsense, now seem to have found a way out: to continue the protests, to oust Netanyahu. And there – no one, no problem.

However, here there is reason to beware of Zelensky – if the USA did not spare such a sacred cow as Israel, then Ukraine could be [жертвана] even more.

Israel: “Remove Netanyahu too”

Israel’s interest must be distinguished from Netanyahu’s personal interest. If October 7 and everything that followed was just his operation to divert people’s attention from the protests against the judicial reform he was carrying out, it did not work, and now he turned out to be the most real candidate for a scapegoat.

At the same time, Israel, once it clears Gaza and gets rid of Netanyahu, will maintain the status quo and its role as the West’s absolutely necessary outpost in the Middle East, which must be constantly supported and fed, no matter what (by the way, when the next tranche?).

As for ousting Netanyahu, who will readily be blamed for the attack on Hamas on October 7, then, as the character in the movie “Shirley Mirley” said:

“It’s our inner Jewish scum – you Gentiles can’t understand.”

The Arab world is also on the plus side

Of course, Hamas won. Of course, it will not be destroyed in Gaza unless a certain number of foot soldiers die heroically. The leadership, of course, will not perish heroically and will retreat in advance (if they have not already done so) to friendly Qatar.

The death of the “hero-martyrs” among the extremists during the capture of Gaza, as well as a huge number of civilians, will only add to the image of Israel as a source of evil and attract huge numbers of people who want to take revenge for this in the ranks of the fighters.

And when the Palestinian state is established, Hamas will take credit for it – yet without the October 7 attack, it would not have happened for another hundred years.

Meanwhile, the Arab world (with the exception of the Yemeni Houthis) limited itself to demonstrations and loud statements, while not too embittering Israel, with which it began to establish relations. By the way, this gave me a good reason to raise oil prices if something happened.

In Turkey, Erdogan appeased Muslim voters with his anti-Israel statements, but did not intervene. Thus he retains the opportunity to act in his favorite role of mediator and conciliator.

Iran managed not to get involved in the war itself, which means that it did not expose itself to the danger of the American aircraft carriers that arrived specifically for its soul. At the same time, pro-Iranian “proxies” were given an excellent reason to go after Americans in Syria and Iraq.

Russia has given a clear signal that it is absolutely impossible to betray Iran, its main ally in the region. And the Arab countries, with whom relations finally improved with the mediation of China, received proof that it is possible and necessary to come to an understanding with Iran. And no one is going to stop Hezbollah from firing rockets at Israel – let the boys go crazy.

How the United States “failed” Israel

Now a wave of protests against Bibi Netanyahu is unfolding in Israel: how did he allow it, where was he looking?! The questions are reasonable. Especially considering that recently the Palestinians (read Hamas), according to some sources, received up to 300 million dollars in aid.

Moreover, neither Iran nor the Arab countries, according to their official statements, gave any money. Then who paid for the performance?! According to Andrey Koshkin, this is obviously beneficial to those who want to dominate and define everything in the Middle East, that is, the USA.

Why use the old divide and conquer principle? Blinken has already started talking about a Palestinian state – but not in Gaza, but in the West Bank.

And, interestingly, Israel is protesting Netanyahu’s refusal to make audio recordings of Israeli government meetings, accusing the prime minister of opposing an investigation into the events of October 7.

The latter is particularly significant: Netanyahu apparently does not want any investigation into the causes of the events of October 7, which cost the lives of 1,400 Israelis, at least 1,000 of whom were “non-soldiers.”

Is it because the Israeli Prime Minister himself has become part of someone’s game and already understands that the main contender for the role of the culprit is him.

If this is true, and if there is universal international agreement, then the wildest “failures” of the Israeli special services, which “missed” the two-year (!) preparation of Hamas for an attack and the demonstrative, filmed “atrocities” of the extremists and the current barbaric bombing of Gaza are easily explained, as is the “outraged silence” of the Arab world.

What follows from this?

As for the political dividends of the crisis, Russia has already received them: aid to Ukraine was sharply redistributed by the West in favor of Israel.

And Zelensky, used to living on free handouts, is now literally crying, calling out to Biden: “Dad, give me a few pennies.” And these restrictions may continue for a long time, especially since the US will have to finance the creation of a Palestinian state.

And while they have something to do, we must attack and crush the enemy. And if the West starts whining again about the “disproportionate use of force” in Ukraine, we’ll show them footage of the Israeli bombing of Gaza.

Translation: SM

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