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“War on those who kill bears”, animal rights exhibition in Trento

“KJ1’s bear killing is another act of Fugatti’s brutal act of plant damage. We must say enough and unite, so that similar actions do not happen again, so that Trentino can be an example of coexistence between man and man. nature, rather than a place where animal life is destroyed by fear and ignorance. Meanwhile, a “peaceful and quiet” torchlight procession is scheduled for Saturday night in Piazza Duomo in Trento, as announced by the animal rights association Bearsandothers.

So a weekend in which animal rights activists will take to the streets. In particular, Sunday’s demonstration organized by a series of animal rights societies is ready to take to the streets afterwards kill the bear Kj1 by the president of Trentino Maurizio Fugatti. “The recent killing of the KJ1 bear in Trentino marks a sad chapter in wildlife management and raises deep questions about the morality of the decisions made by the region’s president, Maurizio Fugatti. also represents a failure in the approach to coexistence between humans and wild animals” read the note.

The event was organized by Avi (International Vegan Association), Cadapa Odv; Animalist Front News; Meta Milan and OR Milan slaughterhouse. “The KJ1 bear was shot with the justification of protecting the safety of citizens. However, it is clear that the real issue is the lack of effective wildlife management strategies that can ensure safety without using such real and definitive measures. Fugatti’s decision does not ignore the ecological value of bears, but it also shows a disturbing inability to face the challenges related to the coexistence between man and nature – the appeal continues – on the other hand, it shows a short-sighted and reactive attitude, which does not consider other solutions, such as educating the population, creating safe spaces for animals and implementing effective prevention measures a leader to find the right balance between the needs of the community and the protection of the environment, which he has so far. it was not done. It is imperative that citizens come together to demand a change of direction. We cannot allow the lives of magnificent creatures like bears to be sacrificed on the altar of ineffective, incompetent and visionless governance. It is time to raise our voice against the decisions of those who, like Fugatti, seem to make profit before protecting our nature.”

2024-08-03 23:53:49

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