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“War is Coming,” North Korea criticizes joint South Korea-US air exercises

The Air Force conducts training on the “2022 National Defense Training” ballistic missile response. [사진제공:연합뉴스]

North Korea harshly criticized the joint US-ROK air exercise two days before the launch, saying, “The clouds of war are coming every moment.”

The external propaganda media ‘Echo of Unification’ today (29th) published an article by Ri Jin-seong, the head of the Academy of Social Sciences, saying: “The Puppet Army Corruption Party is a training program to prepare for the large-scale air force combat called “Bigil” from October 31 to November 4 in the puppet area. They were orphaned to force “Runt Storm”.

“The recent escalation of the grave situation on the Korean peninsula is due to the hostile policy of the United States towards North Korea and the counter-republican maneuver of the traitorous gang of Yun Seok-yeol,” Lee said.

“Grasshoppers are also not surprised by the pitiful bravado of weightlifter Yoon Seok-yeol, who was fascinated by the anti-DPRK clash,” he said.

Regarding the “National Defense Training 2022”, which ended yesterday, he said: “What cannot be overlooked is that this exercise was conducted under the participation of the US imperialist aggressor force, outside the usual practice of be conducted as a single puppet military exercise. ”

North Korea also criticized President Yun Seok-yeol’s speech to the National Assembly on the 25th of last month, which was almost offensive.

In a comment titled ‘The idea of ​​stacking eggs on ox horns’ today, foreign propaganda media ‘Our People’, President Yoon said: “I complained about the increase in the price of my bastard’s ransom. which fell to the bottom. He was very aggressive in promoting a “security crisis” by keeping the slogan “.

On the other hand, there have been no reports of two short-range ballistic missiles that North Korea launched yesterday in the Tongcheon area in Gangwon-do in the East Sea.

North Korea has routinely posted articles and photos defining and evaluating the nature of the previous day’s launch through state media the day after the missile was launched, but since last May, “silence after provocation” has become customary and has been a selective reportage.

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