Home » today » Health » War in Ukraine: Putin’s cook seems to be sending a hammer of blood to political Brussels

War in Ukraine: Putin’s cook seems to be sending a hammer of blood to political Brussels

The European Parliament designates Russia as a terrorist state – and one of Russia’s most powerful sends a “gift” that appears to confirm it.

Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the notorious and brutal private army “Wagner”, boasts in one of his propaganda channels on Telegram with a video that looks like something out of a mafia movie.

Sights: A man carries a violin case into an office, opens it on a table. Inside is a mace – engraved with the Wagner Group logo and the words “Blood – Honor – Fatherland – Courage”. The handle looks bloodstained.

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The scene, broadcast by the Belarusian opposition channel Nexta, allegedly took place in Brussels. The man delivering the hammer – and likely a threatening message – is apparently a Wagner Group lawyer.

According to the Wagner-affiliated Telegram channel, the bat should be “information” from Prigozhin to the European Parliament. mafia language…

What happened before? The deputies decided by an overwhelming majority to do so Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

After the vote, there was a hacking attack on the European Parliament’s website. A first reaction from Russia?

The mace is considered a symbol of the Wagner mercenaries. A few days ago she had a the video made the rounds, in which a soldier branded a “traitor” was killed with such a hammer. The video was titled “Hammer of Revenge”.

Prigozhin teased him. The defector met “hostile but fair people,” he said; it was a “movie scene” titled “A Dog Receives a Dog’s Death.” “I hope no animals were harmed during the filming,” he commented cynically.

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