VOX TIMOR – Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital heart disease child–child. CHD that is not treated and detected can be hypertension lungs Oh, butt.
According to the pediatric cardiologist at Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, dr. Rizky Adriansyah, M.Ked (Ped), Sp.A(K) explained that hypertension lungs is pressure blood in the vessels lungs more than 25 mmHg. This condition can be experienced in childhood or adulthood.
On child often the problem persists into adulthood,” said Rizky in the Pfizer Media Health Forum: Recognize Symptoms Hypertension Lungs in Children and How to Handle them via Zoom, Thursday 10 March 2022.
Hypertension lungs occurs due to thickening of the vessel wall blood lungsthus causing increased pressure.
As a result, the flow in the vessels lungs be slow. Complications can occur along the course of this disorder, Mother.
Anatomically, vessels blood lungs in this condition is different from normal. In hypertension lungsvessels blood thicken and impact on heart.
“In an X-ray or ultrasound of the heart, you can see swelling in the organs heartespecially heart right side,” said Rizky.