Jakarta – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approved a booster dose mix of the Covid-19 vaccine, meaning that anyone can use a different brand of Covid-19 booster than the one used in the initial two doses.
Panagis Galiatsatos, MD, MHS, assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins explains, the analogy is like if someone has received two doses of the vaccine. Modern and qualifies for a booster shot, he or she can choose between Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson.
“The analogy I always tell people is, if you live in New York and want to go to DC, you can get on a plane, train, or a car and still get the end result. It’s still the same result. You just do it in a different way,” said Galiatsatos.
According to Galiatsatos, vaccines provide antibodies against the body, although through different technologies. A new study supports this method, experts also say the mixed approach is safe and effective.
Recent CDC guidelines expand eligibility for Covid-19 booster injections and explain that mixing and matching is a good approach.
For individuals receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine, there are certain groups that are eligible to get a booster injection six months or more after the first dose.
Individuals included in this group included those aged 65 years and over, ages 18 plus living in a long-term care setting. In addition, those who are 18 plus years and have an underlying medical condition. Those aged 18 and over who work or live in a high-risk environment such as a school or health care setting. []
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