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Want to lose a few pounds before the summer holidays? That’s how you handle it!

Just a few more weeks and then the summer holidays will start! The last ten days of the holiday we go to Curaçao. I really can’t wait to relax here, do a lot with the kids, play in the pool and read books on the beach. Although our journey is still quite far away, I have already started preparing a bit. And not in the field of packing the stuff, but especially preparing my body. Because even though I’m very satisfied with myself, I wouldn’t think it wrong to be a few kilos lighter during the holidays. All my summer dresses are just that little bit nicer and I feel even more confident in my swimwear. Do you also want to lose a few kilos before the summer holidays? And what about the added value of a waste shake or fat burners? We tell you all about it!

Let me start by saying that I am not a fan of dieting. I believe much more in a long-term and sustainable healthy lifestyle. Do you want to lose ten kilos in one month? Then you will not find the answer in this article. In this article I give tips with which you can lose about 0.5 to 1 kilo per week. By not losing weight too quickly, you prevent the pounds from flying back on during your vacation and that you may come home heavier than before losing weight.

Lots of protein

Proteins are very important if you want to lose a few pounds. They provide few calories, but give you a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Try to eat some protein with every meal and snack. For example, start your day with a whole-wheat sandwich, with cheese and egg. As a snack, take cottage cheese with some nuts or a protein shake (also called slimming shake named). A weight loss shake quickly gives you a feeling of satiety and is a nice snack between meals. For lunch, opt for a richly filled salad, with lots of raw vegetables, smoked chicken, nuts, avocado and/or pieces of cheese. In the evening you fill your plate with lots of vegetables and a piece of meat, fish or chicken and one serving spoon of whole wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa or bulgur. Check out what you like best! Are you hungry? Then cook an extra egg or take an extra portion of fish/chicken/meat.

Limit the carbohydrates

Some people think that carbohydrates are the absolute enemy. Fortunately, this is not the case for most people! However, if you want to lose weight, it does help to limit your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates often provide a lot of energy, but are less satiating for a long time than proteins. Try to halve the amount of carbohydrates until your holiday, then you are certainly good. Take one slice of bread where you would normally take two and scoop up pasta once instead of two. Always opt for the whole-wheat variant; these saturate a lot better and contain a lot of fiber. Do not leave out carbohydrate-rich products such as fruit and legumes, but opt ​​for smaller portions. Eating fewer carbohydrates takes some getting used to in the beginning, but once you get used to it, you often don’t want to go back!

No sweets and less alcohol

The real gain in weight loss for many people is in stopping sweets, snacking and sniffing. Here I am quite strict: just don’t do it at all! For drinks, opt for healthy snacks, such as raw vegetables with hummus, cucumber slices with goat cheese or chicken breast rolls with pickles. In addition, limit the amount of alcohol and try to cut it in half. Did you first drink two glasses a day? Take one more now. You will see the pounds fly off!


Do you feel like doing everything you can? Then there are many more things you can do! For example, it is always smart (and tasty!) to exercise moderately intensively for half an hour to an hour every day. In addition, there are people who like nutritional supplements or fatburners to use. Also drink enough water and stop drinking soft drinks (including diet!) and juices. All in all, it’s about a combination of healthier food and more exercise.

How fast will I lose weight?

How quickly the pounds fly off depends on many factors. But on average, many people manage to lose half a kilo to a whole kilo per week in a healthy and sustainable way. If you go on holiday in four weeks, you could therefore lose two to four kilos by applying these tips. We wish you good luck and a lot of holiday fun!

Which of these tips will you use? So you use a waste shake or fat burners as a supplement? Or would you rather only opt for healthy food and more exercise?

Image: Tim Mossholder via Unsplash

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