Actually, there is no need to worry about eating fried foods causing disease, because it depends on how to process it and the ingredients. If processed and consumed properly, fried foods can also be a safe food. The content of excess oil in fried foods is often blamed for the emergence of cholesterol to obesity.
This can be overcome by properly processing and regulating the portion of fried food, including by using Vitamin B Seasoning Flour Sasa. In addition, reported from various sources, there are several ways to stay healthy for those who like to eat fried foods.
1. Limit the Portion
The most important thing to avoid the negative effects of fried foods is to limit the portion. Although the body needs fat intake, fried foods contain too much fat and cholesterol.
2. Do Not Use Used Oil
To make healthier fried foods, make sure not to use used or used cooking. This oil is also used only for the frying process twice. You can also use healthy oils, such as olive oil, canola oil, and sesame oil.
Oil that is dark in color even to black indicates the oil is saturated so that it turns into a carcinogenic substance that accumulates bad cholesterol. When this oil is consumed continuously it will cause various health problems ranging from cholesterol to cancer.
3. Drain First
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