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Want to drink sweet but stay safe from risk of disease? This Row of Natural Sweeteners That Can Replace Granulated Sugar – All Pages

Tribune Jogja – Tribunnews.com

Natural sweetener substitute for sugar

Want to drink sweet but stay safe from risk of disease? This row of natural sweeteners that can replace sugar

Sajiansedap.com – Do you like sweet foods or drinks?

The following are various types of additional sweeteners that can be used to replace sugar.

An additional sweetener that is often used in food and drinks is sugar made from sugar cane.

Almost all foods and drinks that have a sweet taste must use this type of sugar.

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Excessive consumption of sugar can cause various health problems because sugar is absorbed very quickly by the body and causes blood sugar levels to increase.

An increase in blood sugar levels can cause chronic diseases such as diabetes.

To avoid the risk of rising blood sugar levels, you can replace sugar with sweeteners that have low glycemic levels.

What are some types of sand sugar substitutes?

Natural Sweeteners Substitute Granulated Sugar

The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates consumed increase blood sugar levels.

Foods with a glycemic index below 55 are considered not to significantly affect blood sugar and insulin production in the body.

The following are sweeteners that can be used to replace sugar.

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1. Corn Syrup

High-fructose corn syrup is widely used as an artificial sweetener in processed foods and packaged drinks.

Corn syrup contains a lot of glucose to be changed with help enzymes form fructose.

Although used as a sugar substitute, corn syrup cannot be used excessively.

Research shows that syrup consumption corn Excessive high fructose remains at risk of causing various health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

2. Honey

Honey that is cooked from bees has a sweet taste and is often used as a sugar substitute.

Actually, the number of calories from honey is greater than sugar, but the difference is that honey does not increase blood sugar quickly.

In addition, rich honey contains good vitamins B and C to maintain the body’s endurance.

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3. Sirup Maple

Maple syrup is an extract from the maple tree sap which in one spoonful of pure maple syrup contains 52 calories and 13.5 grams of carbohydrate.

About 12.4 grams of the carbohydrate content is sucrose.

The amount of sucrose in maple syrup is lower than that of honey.

In addition, maple syrup also contains various kinds of nutrients that are good for the body such as zinc, magnesium, and iron which are good for endurance.

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4. Yellow scars

For sweet food lovers, of course you are familiar with brown sugar.

This brown sugar is known as an alternative sweetener besides sugar.

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Brown sugar also has a number of other benefits that are good for the body.

Palm sugar is widely used as an added sweetener to replace sugar.

Palm sugar is usually used as a sweetener in making coffee and tea.

Although widely used as a substitute for granulated sugar, palm sugar is still dangerous if consumed in excess.

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