This year’s most talked about contestant in the Melodifestivalen Miss Snusk went on in the competition with a somewhat narrow margin. She will now qualify for the final.
– I will practice, save my voice and just add even more, she says.
Miss Snusk takes a selfie with fans after Melodifestivalen’s second competition in Gothenburg.
Image: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT
The Melodifestivalen has changed the rules for this year’s competition and the participants who advance to the final qualification no longer get a second chance to perform their songs in a sub-competition like “Second Chance” or semi-finals. Instead, the contributions are shown in video format during the last part of the fifth part of the competition in Karlstad.
However, it is not something that Miss Snusk has thought about now that she is moving on to the qualifiers, even though she had some problems with both singing and choreography during the performance of “Young & Free”.
– It’s clear you want to do it one more time because it was so much fun. But I’m happy as hell anyway, so it really doesn’t matter.
Most attention
Miss Snusk is undoubtedly the participant who has received the most attention during this year’s Melodifestival. The criticism has been about everything from manipulated streaming figures to snus advertising and lyrics that are not clean.
Hollywood wife Gunilla Persson, who competes next weekend, thought that the name Ms. Snusk alone was reason enough for SVT not to let the epadunk queen compete.
– It was a terrible name. Phew, phew, phew. So, can’t she come up with something better? she said to Aftonbladet.
As last in the competition in Gothenburg, Miss Snusk had many eyes on her. In a fast-paced number with dancers in pink tulle skirts and patent leather pants wheeling around the stage, the artist appeared on a shock pink dala horse.
That the height of the horse’s withers measured 180 centimeters created some concerns during the rehearsals.
– It has been a bit of a struggle. I have been here since nine o’clock this morning practicing, up and down, up and down, Ms. Snusk told TT after Friday’s rehearsal.
“Had a blast”
When it came down to it, however, everything went as she had planned, a relieved singer said after the telecast.
– I did my best, had a blast and just enjoyed everything. It feels good to have done it and be happy with it.
From being tipped as the favorite before the competition, Ms. Snusk slipped during the week’s rehearsals on the bookmakers’ betting lists and in the end it went pretty much as predicted: with a total of 58 points, Ms. Snusk came fourth in the competition, two points behind Sami artist Dear Sara and five points ahead of fifth place C-Joe.
– It could have been a thousand times worse. But I want to continue, it’s going to be a lot of fun, said a tagged Miss Snusk after the competition.
Fact: This has happened in the trips around Miss Snusk
In 2022, the anonymous artist Ms. Snusk, together with producer Rasmus Gozzi, will release the song “Ride me like a dala horse”. It becomes a super hit and Miss Snusk is named the queen of the epadunk genre.
A year later, the duo releases the song “Homofil” and Miss Snusk is accused of being homophobic. She thinks it’s all a misconception.
In December 2023, it is revealed that Miss Snusk will participate in Melodifestivalen. In the same month, the industry organization Ifpi reacts to remarkably high streaming figures on Spotify for the songs “Gynekologen” and “Ride mig som en dalahäst”.
A month later, Spotify removes several of Rasmus Gozzi’s songs.
Voices are being raised, including from Expressen’s editorial board, with demands to stop Miss Snusk from the Melodifestivalen due to the suspicions of manipulated streaming figures. SVT replies that you cannot stop someone “because of speculation”.
On January 18, Ljungby Municipality announces that it is reporting Miss Snusk’s Christmas concert to the police for having sold white snus without a permit.
Since February 4, all the previously removed songs are back on Spotify.