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Want a curfew: – Enough is enough

On Sunday, city politician Athithan Kumarasamy was out walking in his district, Stovner, which has the highest infection pressure in Oslo.

Here, the infection pressure per 100,000 inhabitants is 1089.6.

What he saw made him react.

– There were an incredible number gathered at the ski slope at Vestli. It was packed with children and they stood close together. No one kept their distance or used bandages. I thought that “here it is corona, so it’s just to get away”, he says to Dagbladet.

BEARING ALARM: Labor politician Athithan Kumarasamy sounds the alarm about the Oslo infection. Photo: Private
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Kumarasamy is also a nurse and coordinator for the test center in Oslo, but emphasizes that he now speaks as a Labor politician. He is worried that the fine weather will make people want to gather in large groups.

– If people continue like this, we will blow up the test capacity and the number of admissions will skyrocket, he says.

Want curfew

He does not think it helps to close all activities indoors, when people still gather close outside.

– We never end up with these “small measures” all the time. Then it is better to shut down completely for three weeks. I want a curfew after 5 pm every day, and prioritize vaccination, he says.

He points out that it is possible, for example, to reduce the opening hours of grocery stores, or to a greater extent to have home delivery.

WARNING: Assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad fears an increase in infection towards Easter. Video: Dagbladet TV
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The Labor politician also allows for a curfew at the city level, but acknowledges that it can be difficult – also because there may be hidden infection in districts that test fewer.

– People have to stay inside. When it is sunny like now, it is like the earthworm crawling out in the rain. Now everyone’s coming out. There will be partying in the forest and a higher level of activity. It’s not lucky.

Kumarasamy thinks people are getting more tired of the measures as they are now, than if we had shut down completely for a short period. At the same time, he acknowledges that it is intrusive to detain Oslo residents.

– But we are in a state of war now. Yes, it is intrusive, but it is needed now. For a three-week period, we should shut down and send health professionals home to people to vaccinate them there, the politician says.

– Just nonsense

He thinks people will understand that this is necessary.

– I am very worried now that more people will gather outside. Closing a little all the time is just nonsense.

He emphasizes that Oslo must be isolated, so that no one is allowed in and no one is allowed to leave. He does not think it is a good idea to have an Easter holiday.

– Many healthy people do not know that they are infected, and then destroy for each other. The virus will look for places to survive. It is a parasite that needs others to survive.

TESTING: Assistant health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad says it is approaching the breaking point for the TISK strategy in Oslo. Host: Ivan Larsson.

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On January 8, the Ministry of Justice sent a proposal for a curfew for consultation. On 17 February, it was decided not to present this to the Storting.

Minister of Justice Monica Mæland then stated that a curfew is a “tool” that is not needed.

– Not good enough

The Stovner politician believes that the need is here now, and thinks the politicians have been too cowardly.

– It’s not good enough. Raymond (Johansen, city council leader in Oslo, editor’s note) must make this decision now. Enough is enough. Now we have to see if this gives results.

– What if it does not give results?

– It will. We can get rid of the virus.

Several countries have used curfews as a tool to crack down on the virus. Wuhan in China is among the places that shut down completely, and can now live almost as normal.

FHI has stated that the benefit of a curfew will be minimal and not in proportion to the disadvantages of the measure.

– We have been working for over a year. Those who have gone bankrupt now will not recover. It costs a lot more than shutting down completely. People are not allowed to work and are walking like zombies. It eats away at people. There is little redundancy money, which in turn increases problems in the home. Financial problems increase domestic violence. This again affects the children. There is no joy in any way. It looks dark, says Kumarasamy.

He asks Raymond to “be the boss now”, but at the same time acknowledges that he is unsure whether this is a decision the city council leader can make – or whether it is the government that must take action.

– Oslo is the center of everything. If we get control here, and in the other big cities, a lot is solved, says Kumarasamy.

It is expected new Oslo measures «shortly».

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