Home » today » World » Wang Youqun: Neither the “time” nor “momentum” of the Year of the Black Rabbit is on the side of the CCP | Great Plague | Life Safety | Hu Xinyu Incident

Wang Youqun: Neither the “time” nor “momentum” of the Year of the Black Rabbit is on the side of the CCP | Great Plague | Life Safety | Hu Xinyu Incident

People are not as good as God. History is like a big drama, but it is staged according to a pre-determined script. (OLLI GEIBEL/AFP/Getty Images)

[The Epoch Times, February 09, 2023]The Chinese New Year in the lunar calendar has just passed. According to the almanac, this year is a very special year, with black rabbit, double spring, and leap February.

This year is the Year of the Rabbit with Guimao in the Huangli calendar. Gui is water and corresponds to black, so it is the Year of the Black Rabbit; Both spring years are leap years, but this year’s leap month is special, it is leap February.

The next Black Rabbit, Shuangchun, and Leap February will appear in 3283, more than a thousand years later.

Folk proverbs say: “Double springs and black rabbit years, it is difficult to see the sky in spring and autumn”; “Double springs moisten February, spring cold meets autumn drought”. It means that if there are two types of black rabbit, double spring, and leap in February, there will be natural disasters in the spring and autumn of that year.

Entering the Kuimao year of the Huangli calendar, major events that were unexpected by the CCP occurred one after another.

The first thing to bear the brunt was that the great plague suddenly swept across China again.

From 2020 to 2022, the CCP has carried out an extreme “clearing” of the “CCP virus” (Wuhan pneumonia) for three years.

The CCP has repeatedly emphasized: adhere to the “dynamic clearing” unswervingly, and even raised the “clearing” to a level related to “the nature and purpose of the party”. It means that if the “dynamic clearing” is not adhered to, the nature of the party will change, the purpose of the party will change, and the party will also change.

However, on November 30, 2022, Jiang Zemin, the chief backer of the most serious corrupt elements at the top of the CCP, the government, and the military, the biggest traitor in the world, and the chief culprit of the persecution of Falun Buddhism, died. The spread of the “CCP virus” has reached its peak Can’t hide it anymore. On December 7 last year, the CCP suddenly made a 180-degree turn, going from one extreme to the other, completely abandoning the “zeroing out” policy. After that, in just 30 days, the number of infections quickly exceeded the number of infections in the world in the past three years, and the death toll continued to climb.

On January 30, the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China announced that the overall epidemic situation in the country has entered a low epidemic level, and the epidemic situation in various places has maintained a steady decline. It seems that this wave of epidemics has passed, and it is time to “quiet the years” and “show great ambitions”.

However, this is only a temporary appearance.

On January 16, 2023, The Epoch Times reported: Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, said that the CCP has been covering up the epidemic for more than three years. The epidemic in China has killed 400 million people. When this wave of epidemic ends, China will die 500 million people .

In the past three years, 400 million people died in China. This figure surprised many people. Are there really so many? I don’t know if I don’t count the detailed accounts, but I’m shocked when I calculate the detailed accounts.

On February 4th and 5th, The Epoch Times published “Big Data Estimates: 400 Million Deaths from the Epidemic in China in Three Years” (Part 1, Part 2), which revealed the truth covered up by the CCP’s lies. If readers are interested, you can take a look at these two articles.

Master Li Hongzhi said that when this wave of epidemic ends, 500 million people will die in China. I understand that when this wave of epidemics ends, 100 million people will die in China.

Experts have predicted that the next wave of epidemics may break out in March-May. I estimate that once it erupts, it may be more violent than the previous wave, with more deaths.

Why did the great plague break out from China in early 2020? Why did the great plague break out from China again at the end of 2022? Why will 100 million people die in China in the next wave of plague? They are all the result of the CCP’s more than 100 years of doing evil, committing crimes, and harming people.

The “God of Plague” does not obey the party’s command, can party members obey the party’s command?

Under high pressure, the surface energy, the essence can not. Why does the small meeting of the CCP Congress repeatedly emphasize the need to achieve “two safeguards”, “absolute loyalty to the party”, “one heart and one mind with the party”, and “high degree of consistency” with Xi’s core? Because there are too many people who don’t maintain, are not loyal, don’t agree, and don’t maintain a high level of alignment.

First of all, the more than 570 senior officials above the vice-provincial and ministerial level and other middle-level management cadres investigated and dealt with by Xi Jinping in the ten years since he came to power, as well as a large number of people behind them, do not buy it.

Secondly, at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the following “two sessions” of the CCP, a group of people who were pushed out of key positions at the top of the party, government and military by the forces of the Xi faction, including the Tuanpai, the veteran faction, the second generation of red, the official The second generation, etc., do not buy it.

Third, the local princes have their own ideas, with policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. The hard ones will not work, and the soft ones will lie flat. Three years of extreme “dynamic clearing” have exhausted local finances. The Ministry of Finance of the Communist Party of China has made it clear that it will not cover the hidden debts of more than 60 trillion yuan in the local area. If the local government does not benefit from the central government, it will inevitably intensify the contradictions, conflicts and confrontations between the local government and the central government.

Fourth, most of the newcomers promoted and reused by Xi at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the following “two sessions” of the Communist Party of China are inherently deficient in terms of seniority, ability, and political achievements. The only label they have in common is “Xi’s people”. “.

The so-called “one emperor and one courtier”. But among the “officials” of this dynasty, there are only a few who can convince the crowd. In particular, there are treacherous ministers like Wang Huning among them.

Fifth, before Xi Jinping came to power, he had no special achievements, just an ordinary official, but he was labeled as the “Second Generation Red” more than the average person. In the ten years since Xi came to power, in addition to using anti-corruption and fighting tigers to attack political opponents, he has been “zeroing out” the achievements of the CCP since its “reform and opening up”.

Internally: the simplification of administration and decentralization of power, the separation of the party and the government, and the separation of government and enterprises, which were implemented at the beginning, are all back to the past. “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy” has attacked from all directions, making the CCP unprecedentedly isolated internationally.

At present, how many people in the CCP officialdom, from top to bottom, are convinced by Xi?

Xi Jinping has been in power for ten years and has finally reached the pinnacle of power. However, there is not much joy of “fixing a statue”, but he is even more worried. What Xi is most worried about now is the safety of his family.

There is also a very crucial point. According to statistics from the Epoch Times Quit the Party website, more than 400 million people in China have withdrawn from the CCP, regiments, and teams.

Party members are alienated, will the public have the same heart with the CCP?

impossible. The CCP’s response to the “Girl in Chains incident” in early 2022 will be repeated in its response to the “Hu Xinyu Incident” in early 2023.

Last year’s “Girl in Chains incident” in Xuzhou, the CCP’s performance from beginning to end was to lie, lie, lie. What is the result of cheating? Corrupted morality, watered down people’s hearts.

The Hu Xinyu incident is even more bizarre. After the disappearance of 15-year-old Hu Xinyu, the CCP spent a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources, including advanced technology and equipment. It took 106 days to find him, but he couldn’t find it. On January 28, 2023, Hu Xinyu’s body was suddenly found hanging from a tree branch 260 meters away from his school. Afterwards, the CCP police held a press conference in just 5 days and said: Hu Xinyu “hanged himself.”

Many people in mainland China do not believe this conclusion, and almost all overseas do not believe it.

On February 5, a netizen “Clean the Source” tweeted: “Someone posted on Douyin that they saw two people get off a van on New Year’s Eve and hang Hu Xinyu’s body on a tree.”

A netizen named “Honghao Xingxing D8” added a message in the comment area: “On New Year’s Eve, around 9:48, what did two men wearing masks do in Wuling Hongguang Jiangxi 3E78 silver car? Who hung the corpse on the tree? Someone took it.”

Another commented: “For 106 days, you have always thought that you are solving crimes, but in fact they have been committing crimes!”

The CCP has been deceiving for a hundred years, and now its credibility is completely bankrupt, and no one will believe anything it says.

The confrontation between the government and the people in 2022 will reach a peak in the “white paper movement” at the end of the year. The confrontation between the government and the people in 2023 will surely usher in a new peak as the CCP’s high pressure and deceit intensify.

The “God of Plague” will not go away, party members will not buy it, and the public will not be convinced. How is it abroad?

Just at the critical moment when the CCP has severely damaged the economy due to its three-year “clearing” and is preparing to improve Sino-US relations, an uninvited guest-the CCP’s big white balloon-suddenly broke into the airspace of the United States, which aroused the anger of the U.S. government and the opposition. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Forced to postpone the upcoming visit to China.

On February 4, the U.S. military destroyed the CCP balloon over the waters near South Carolina.

On February 6, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Sherman notified about 150 diplomats stationed in the U.S. from 40 countries about the balloon incident.

According to my judgment, the balloon’s intrusion into the United States was beyond Xi’s expectations, and it was also beyond the expectations of Li Qiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China who was promoted by Xi and who is about to take over as Premier of the State Council.

This balloon is known as the first “black swan” encountered by the CCP after the Lunar New Year.

You want it this way, it wants it that way. This is called Heaven failing to fulfill the wishes of the CCP.

In February 2022, after the CCP announced that the Sino-Russian relationship “has no ceiling”, Russia immediately launched a war against Ukraine. The CCP originally thought that Russia would win Ukraine with a blitzkrieg, and used this to build momentum for the CCP to win Taiwan. However, the Russia-Ukraine War has been fought for a whole year. Not only did Russia fail to win Ukraine, but it encountered an unprecedented crisis under international sanctions.

On January 31, a number of Russian media reported that Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, which are “friendly” to Russia, unexpectedly fully joined the Western financial sanctions against Russia.

The Russo-Ukraine war seemed to be for the CCP to watch. Russia, which is known as the world’s military power, spent a whole year and could not win Ukraine. Regardless of the final outcome of the war, Russia has already lost.

While the CCP continues to intensify its efforts to suppress Taiwan, the free world led by the United States has unprecedentedly supported Taiwan.

The CCP wants to be the world’s leader, but it is “surrounded by the CCP”.


In the Kuimao year of the Huangli calendar, the weather, location, and harmony of people are not on the side of the CCP.

The century-old CCP, with its bloody debts, has come to the end of history, and it is at the time when “heaven will destroy the CCP”.

The Great Plague may be God’s trump card to end the CCP. For the sons and daughters of China, the best way to keep safe is to withdraw from the CCP, regiment, and team as soon as possible.

The Epoch Times

Editor in charge: Gao Yi

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