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Wanda Vázquez extends the curfew until July 22

The governor Wanda Vázquez Garced issued Executive Order 2020-048, which extends the curfew or the end of the hours allowed to leave the residences from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. until July 22, 2020, and establishes the parameters for the beginning of work in the public sector and in the public and private education system.

“As in previous executive orders, the importance of wearing a mask at all times is emphasized, as recommended by the medical task force and the Secretary of Health. The precautionary measures that will be mandatory to comply with are the use of a mask, scarf or cloth to cover the area of ​​the mouth and nose at all times; maintain a minimum space of six feet between people when visiting an establishment, store, restaurant, cinema or office; and avoid unnecessary crowds. Failure to comply with these precautionary measures, they would be violating the order, so they would be subject to established fines and penalties. Our priority is to keep our island healthy and protect everyone’s life, ”said the first executive.

This order establishes that the career employees of the government of Puerto Rico that the appointing authority determines necessary in their work plan, shall begin to work in stages in their respective agencies on July 1. In order to preserve the health and safety of public employees, each agency head must maintain all the safety, health and infection control measures established in the Risk Management and Exposure Control Plan COVID-19.

Likewise, the agencies that offer services to the citizenry may begin to receive the public in their facilities from July 6, 2020, taking all the measures established in the Risk Management and Exposure Control Plan COVID-19. Each agency, according to its particularity, must notify citizens of the conditions for care and offering services. It is important to avoid crowding and the use of masks is mandatory.

Regarding services in university educational centers, each institution will be allowed to prepare a protocol for COVID-19 in accordance with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and the PR regulations. -OSHA. The opening of university educational services will be allowed, complying with the six-foot separation parameter, the mandatory use of a mask and frequent hand washing.

Public schools and private schools, whose classes are scheduled to start in mid-August, should prepare and prepare their work plans to reopen the campus according to health and safety parameters to prevent the spread of the virus during the next school semester, as has been discussed up to the present, and which are still under evaluation for these purposes. Each educational entity, including the Department of Education, must timely present their plans for returning to classes and the modality in which their courses will be offered.

Each educational entity must establish communication and education activities for the opening with teachers, parents and those in charge of how the protection protocols will be for employees and students so that their doubts and concerns are dispelled and that the responsibility to avoid is recognized. contagion is shared.

For these purposes, it is reiterated that the opening of private schools and schools of the public education system during the term of this order (until July 22) has the purpose of preparing the facilities for the next school semester, plus students even they will not be able to visit the schools.

Vázquez Garced indicated that this order allows the sale of the electronic lottery and the traditional lottery, as well as allows the collective transportation service, in accordance with the regulations established by the Metropolitan Authority of Buses (AMA) and by the Urban Train for COVID- 19. The above, also from July 1st.

Regarding funerals and funerals, they may be carried out in accordance with the protocol established by the Department of Health. To such ends, cemeteries may open to the public, as long as they comply with the precautionary measures, the rules of social distancing and the protocol established by the Department of Health. The entry of children under 12 is prohibited, both to funeral homes and cemeteries. The hours for all funeral services will be until 8:00 pm, since, as part of the protocol promulgated by the Department of Health, a space must be separated after every wake to disinfect the area.

In accordance with strict compliance with the guidelines and regulations promulgated by the Department of Recreation and Sports, from the time this Administrative Bulletin is in force, within the hours allowed in the curfew, individual and collective sports and recreational training will be allowed to resume or full equipment. As of July 15, 2020, within the hours allowed in the curfew, the resumption of sporting events will only be allowed for professional leagues, with the exception of contact sports, such as boxing, among others.

Casinos may open, as long as they do not exceed the maximum occupancy equivalent to 75% of the capacity established in the current building code in Puerto Rico (PR Building Code 2018). They must comply with the protocols and guidelines established by the Gaming Division, which are in accordance with the recommendations of the CDC, the Department of Health and PR-OSHA for COVID-19.

Likewise, the occupancy of shops and restaurants was modified to be up to 75% occupancy, according to the capacity established in the current building code (PR Building Code 2018). Each business premises will be responsible for complying with the safety and health measures required in the reopening protocols, including but not limited to the use of adequate personal protective equipment, screening and social distancing.

In the entertainment area, the opening of venues is authorized for face-to-face events and concerts, complying with the standards of the CDC, the Department of Health and the PR-OSHA standards COVID-19, including the six-foot separation parameter. away, the mandatory use of a mask, frequent hand washing and disinfection of the establishment daily, according to the protocols established by the industry. To this end, each location must establish a risk control plan for COVID-19 in accordance with the guidelines of the CDC, the Department of Health and the COVID-19 standards of PR-OSHA. The producers will be responsible for following the risk control plans established by the “venues” so that each event is carried out in compliance with it. Those that are used to carry out sporting events must also comply with the specific rules and guidelines for each of the permitted activities, and with the details of protection for the carrying out of these that the Department of Recreation and Sports promulgates to those purposes.

“The measures we took at first, although difficult, were adequate and were taken on time. Likewise, the fulfillment of the citizenship of staying in their homes during all that time, now allows us to continue reopening the spaces, always ensuring the protection and health of all. Each citizen has the responsibility to take precautionary measures to prevent the spread of this virus. But we cannot forget that we live in the midst of a pandemic and that we have to take care of ourselves in order to take care of our loved ones. Let us continue to be responsible, ensuring the well-being of all of us who live on this island, ”said the governor.

“During the validity of this order, which lasts three weeks on the recommendation of the medical ‘task force’, a responsible monitoring will be carried out, analyzing the measures taken to be able to study their effects and adopt any necessary modifications in a timely manner. When it is identified that the opening of any sector has caused a notable increase in the risk of infection or when the health services are approaching a capacity limit, it will be necessary to stop or delay the reopening plan and the order will be amended for those purposes. Likewise, if the aforementioned does not occur, the opening of other sectors may continue. The increase or decrease in the risk of infection will depend, to a large extent, on the collaboration of all citizens. Therefore, if the faithful compliance with the strict precautionary measures is not observed, the necessary restrictions will be established, ”clarified the president, who indicated that the order will be available in the coming days on the Internet page of the State Department.

The governor stressed that they remain vigilant and closely monitor the increase in cases of COVID-19 in the United States and other countries, and will later pronounce on the measures to be taken at airports in the event of the arrival of passengers.

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