Home » today » News » Wan Puan throws a beer bottle In fact, the skill of the Moo 2 gang, angry Pee, Moo 3, yelled, don’t be loud. In the house with children 2 months

Wan Puan throws a beer bottle In fact, the skill of the Moo 2 gang, angry Pee, Moo 3, yelled, don’t be loud. In the house with children 2 months

Wan Puan throws a beer bottle into the house of real people, the skilled gang of Moo 2, funk, senior m 3, outcrying, do not double the pipe. In the house with children 2 months CCTV cameras capture clear images.

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From the case of a group of more than 10 teenagers riding motorcycles and using beer bottles Throwing at the houses of the villagers Until having suffered three times in the middle of the night With closed-circuit pictures clearly visible faces And the report was reported to the Lahansai Police Station, Lahansai District, Buriram Province, in order for the police to follow the teenagers to prosecute.


Progress of such cases On 25 January 2021, Mr. Somkid Yothanan, 43 years old, assistant village headman of Moo 9, Samrong Mai Subdistrict, Lahan Sai District, revealed that from the search, There are about 10 teenagers in total, four are aware and accepted, all of them in Grade 2, a school in Lahan Sai district. Lives with grandfather and grandmother Parents go to work in other provinces By preparing to coordinate the school, allowing teachers to help find suitable solutions Because he doesn’t want to have this kind of behavior again

The MD (name has been changed), 15 years old, a student in Grade 10, clarified that The reason why a group of teenagers throwing stones at their homes Expected to have a cause from the new year That day, he ordered roast beef from the restaurant next door to eat with many friends. Saw this group of teenagers Riding a motorcycle to park in front of the house Loud sound

Wan Puan throws a beer bottle

He felt dissatisfied because there was a 2-month-old baby in the house. Friends who sit together Therefore shouted Do you twist your father? This makes this group of teenagers dissatisfied. Just two days passed at home, they were thrown into beer bottles. And next 2 more hits including the grilled meat restaurant And the neighbors were thrown by the bottle.

Read: So stalker! Moo 2 gang rides on a turbulent city Throw beer bottles at the house – shop all around.

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