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Walnuts lower blood pressure Click mobile

Delicious and very healthy, walnuts are autumn foods that we should not miss from our daily diet.

Rich in vitamin A, B2, B6, B12, D, E and folic acid, walnuts contain minerals necessary to maintain the health of the body, such as manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium.
They also contain omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and alpha linoleic acid, antioxidants, enzyme nutrients and anticancer substances.

Stimulates memory

Eat walnut kernels daily, because it strengthens the nervous system and improves memory. Walnuts contain lecithin, a substance that stimulates memory and concentration.

Drive away depressive states

Depression is one of the most common conditions today, in younger and younger people. It is said that foods rich in essential fatty acids, such as nuts, help to drive away depression and calm. Thus, it does not hurt to be included in the diet.

Fight cancer

According to studies, nuts have the property of reducing the risk of prostate and breast cancer. The fats they contain are much better for the body than those of animal origin.

Find out on Clicksanatate.ro how to get rid of insomnia by eating nuts!

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