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Walmart security guard has died

SHERBROOKE | The security guard who was struck by a customer in the parking lot of the Walmart in Sherbrooke at the start of confinement finally died after being in a coma for several months.


Nacime Kouddar fatally grabbed Philippe Jean (in mortise) in the parking lot of a Walmart.  The circumstances of this tragedy remain to be elucidated.


Photos from Facebook

Nacime Kouddar fatally grabbed Philippe Jean (in mortise) in the parking lot of a Walmart. The circumstances of this tragedy remain to be elucidated.

“He fought like a true warrior until his last breath. A real fighter. He left like a shooting star that now shines in the sky, ”Guillaume, the brother of Philippe Jean, 35, wrote on Facebook.

On April 4, Nacime Kouddar and his wife were at the Walmart in Galeries Quatre-Saisons, in Sherbrooke, when an altercation arose at the entrance between the young man and the security guard.

  • Listen to the column of Nicole Gibeault, retired judge, at QUB Radio:

Nacime Kouddar of Mascouche has been formally charged with criminal negligence causing bodily harm, assault with a weapon, aggravated assault and hit and run.

The 25-year-old individual was released under strict conditions, in particular not to drive a vehicle and not to set foot in Estrie for the duration of the legal proceedings.

The prosecutor, Me Gabrielle Cloutier, declined the interview request of the Journal. We wanted to know if the charges against the suspect would be amended given the latest developments.

  • LISTEN to Félix Séguin’s Crime and Society column on QUB radio:

Two versions

It was first reported that Kouddar would have deliberately charged on Philippe Jean, father of five, before dragging him several meters, because of the physical distancing measures that the latter was trying to enforce.

Reliable sources had, however, reported to TVA Nouvelles the existence of a video in which the customer was seen leaving the parking lot of the store, while the security officer had chased him in his own vehicle, before doing so. then on foot.

The video would even show Philippe Jean climbing onto the client’s vehicle. It was then that he was allegedly dragged for several meters.

“It is certain that this video will be an important material proof in the file”, had then said Kim Dingman, the lawyer of the defense.

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