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Walloon school has to cancel school trip to New York after …


A school in Namur has been heavily criticized for wanting to organize a school trip to New York. It costs 2,000 euros, an amount that is difficult for many parents to pay. The trip has therefore been cancelled. That reports RTL.

It is a father from Namur, who wishes to remain anonymous, who is with the cat RTL rang the bell. He choked on his coffee when he saw which school trip the Royal Athenaeum of Namur would organize. A six-day trip to New York with five nights, which would cost the parents no less than 2,000 euros.

“That is totally thoughtless and inappropriate,” the man says. “Why so far? This is not feasible for families with several children or a low income. This is also not wise from an ecological point of view.” What he doesn’t like yet: the trip is mandatory. “We have no choice but to accept.”

There was a lot of criticism, and so the atheneum decided not to let the trip go ahead. Géraldine Kamps, spokeswoman for the Walloon Ministry of Education, explains at RTL. “120 students had to go and dozens of parents have united and challenged that. The management has therefore made the wise decision to reverse its decision. She hadn’t expected those reactions.” Another school trip will be organized in its place. Closer to home and less expensive.

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