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Wall Street sinks impacted by the coronavirus and Europe claims Trump that restricting travel to the US is a “unilateral” measure | Univision Salud News

The communication chief of the Brazilian presidency, Fabio Wajngarten, came out positive in tests that were carried out after participating with the president of that country, Jair Bolsonaro, on an official visit to the United States in which the agenda included meetings with Trump.

The information was reviewed by the Brazilian press after Wajngarten’s wife, Sophie Wajngarten, confirmed this Thursday in a message that she sent to a WhatsApp group of mothers from the Red House International School, where their three daughters study, reviewed the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo.

“Girls, good morning: according to an email from yesterday (Wednesday) from school, my husband returned from a trip to Miami yesterday and had a covid test, which was positive “, the woman in the group wrote, according to quotes from Folha.

Wajngarten was part of the entourage that accompanied Bolsonaro on a trip to Miami between Saturday and Tuesday and even went so far as to publish on his Instagram account a photo in which he is seen just to the left of Trump with a cap in the one that reads “Let’s make Brazil great again”:

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Upon learning of the news, the AFP agency says, Bolsonaro also underwent a coronavirus test.

So far, Brazil has registered 60 confirmed coronavirus cases and 930 suspects.

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