Home » today » Health » Walking briskly for 11 minutes every day can already extend your life – Wel.nl

Walking briskly for 11 minutes every day can already extend your life – Wel.nl

Don’t think: I don’t have time to exercise today, I’ll sit in my chair all day. No, go outside anyway, because even 11 minutes of brisk walking could prevent 10 percent of premature deaths.

This is the conclusion of a large study by the University of Cambridge, for which 200 studies have been compared. The researchers looked at the extent to which exercise reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature death.

75 minutes a week – or just under eleven minutes a day – reduced the risk of dying prematurely by 23 percent, the risk of cancer by 7 percent and the risk of cardiovascular disease even decreased by 17 percent.

You have to do a bit more than walk back and forth to the coffee machine or stroll through the park. It’s really about going strong, says Thijs Eijsvogels, exercise physiologist at Radboud university medical center in Nijmegen. against RTL News.

“You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym to get your exercise minutes. You can also walk or cycle to work. Or just do a round every day. It literally gets your body moving. You use your heart , lungs and muscles, that keeps your body up to standard and ensures that you are fit.”

Bron(nen): RTL News

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