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Waiting list to dress up as an antigen or tit test

A Ponteareas company hires 50 people to dispatch more than 3,000 carnival costumes a day throughout Europe

22 feb 2022 . Updated at 05:00.

The guides to the present always prioritize demand and that is why we thought that our own designs this year would be the antigen test and the tit that Rigoberta Bandini has popularized at the Benidorm Fest, explains the novoa, responsible for marketing the largest costume store in Spain. at the headquarters of Mr. Disguisein the Pontearean parish of Areas, work full time for the most anticipated carnival: We have hired 50 people this month, most of them from the area, to be able to meet all delivery deadlines since we are selling more than 3,000 costumes at It is for all of Europe.

Although February starts with uncertainty, the drop in infections and, above all, the announcement of the reopening of nightlife have triggered orders again, indicates the person in charge. It is the tunic outside of Spain as well. We sell to all of Europe and where they say the incidence is down, orders are up, Novoa points out.

The company once again exhausts its own designs. In the last carnival before the pandemic, the Satisfyer It was the star costume and in the past Halloween you razed the one of the squid game. Movies, series and video games always triumph, points out La Novoa. After a year without carnival due to covid, the costume party recovers one hundred percent. The best sellers are those of the antigen test, the squid game, Rigoberta’s tit or Cruella de Vil, indicates the person in charge of marketing. For the covid test, which can be chosen with a positive or negative result, and for which the first 250 suits were sold out in a week, as for the one with the tit, there is a waiting list. 60% of the costumes from the test will be dressed in Spain this carnival, where all the costumes from the controversial Eurovision candidate song will also stay.

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