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“Waiting Game: Impatience Grows Over Delayed Ruling on Trump’s Immunity Claim”

Impatience Grows Over Delayed Ruling on Trump’s Immunity Claim

The legal battle continues as impatience grows over the delayed ruling on Donald Trump’s immunity claim in the D.C. election subversion case. The case, which was heard by a three-judge D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel in early January, centers around Trump’s argument that he cannot be prosecuted due to total immunity for acts committed as President of the United States. However, Obama-era acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal and former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann express their frustration at the lack of a ruling.

Potential Supreme Court Appeal

If Trump loses his appeal, which is expected, he may take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. This could further delay the trial, potentially pushing it to the summer, fall, or even after the election. If Trump were to become the GOP nominee and win back the White House, he could potentially pardon himself or halt the prosecutions altogether.

Impatience and Frustration

Neal Katyal expresses his impatience, admitting that he has reached the “freakout stage” after waiting for a ruling for so long. He emphasizes the importance of a timely decision, stating that American citizens deserve to know before the election whether a candidate for office is a felon and an insurrectionist. Katyal finds it even more frustrating because he believes this is an easy case, with no responsible constitutional scholar supporting Trump’s claim of absolute immunity. He concludes that the delay is a real problem.

Andrew Weissmann echoes Katyal’s sentiments, emphasizing that there is no valid reason for the delay. He calls Trump’s claim to immunity “absurd” and “preposterous,” further highlighting the urgency for a ruling.

The Need for Speed

Both legal experts stress the need for speed in this matter. With the election approaching, it is crucial for the American public to have clarity on whether a candidate is facing criminal charges or accusations of insurrection. The delay in the ruling hampers the transparency and fairness of the electoral process.


As impatience grows over the delayed ruling on Trump’s immunity claim, legal experts Neal Katyal and Andrew Weissmann express their frustration and emphasize the need for a speedy decision. With the possibility of a Supreme Court appeal and potential delays pushing the trial beyond the election, the urgency for clarity becomes even more critical. American citizens deserve to know whether a candidate for office is facing criminal charges or accusations of insurrection. The delay in the ruling hinders the fairness and transparency of the electoral process.


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