Coldplay’s concert streak continues again today.

Coldplay’s concert streak continues again today. Tomorrow we will see the last gig. AOP
Coldplay’s concerts attract around 170,000 people, which also includes many well-known public figures.
Presenter and actor Jaajo Linnonmaa enjoyed it Music of the Spheres -tour with a big group, which included Anni Ihamäki, among others. Linnonmaa shared a post on his Instagram where the friends happily pose together.
Linnonmaa says that he has never experienced a concert as massive as Coldplay’s bet on Sunday.
– Anni has been waiting for Coldplay’s concert for 20 years and it was amazing to share this experience yesterday. The tear ducts opened from the first note and there were enough happy tears for two hours until the fireworks. I myself have never seen such a big gig, Linnonmaa writes.
Linnonmaa’s videos also feature top chef Kape Aihinen and presenters Sami Kuronen and Susanna Laine. The video shows amused expressions as each of them takes pictures of the gig and each other at the same time with their own phones.
Ihamäki also immortalized his gig moment on social media. He says he has been waiting for more than 20 years to see Coldplay. In his opinion, Sunday night’s bet was also the best concert experience ever.
– I had been waiting for this gig so much and for so long. I mean, really more than 20 years.
– It was the best gig ever compared to anything else. I cried from happiness the whole time. I want to go again and maybe even go around with the whole tour, Ihamäki writes in the publication.
Ihamäki has filmed many clips from the gig. The whole stadium is decorated with people’s light bracelets and big round balls are floating above the permanno.
In addition to the aforementioned persons, his publication also features, among other things Christoffer Strandberg and Jaana Pelkonen.
Ihamäki also published a picture on his own 24-hour Instagram stories in which he says that he is ready to pay if he also got a ticket to today’s Coldplay concert.
Minna Kuukka, a radio host who doesn’t like mass events, posted memories of her concert night on social media. In the publication, he says that he is not a fan of large mass events, but Coldplay’s way of conquering his concert audience was interesting.
– Basically, I’m not a fan of large mass events and the crowd at the Olympic stadium seems too much. However, Coldplay’s basic friendly, world- and people-embracing mood is palatable, Kuukka writes.
– Chris Martin has charisma that fills all arenas, and despite the size, the atmosphere was somehow loving and caring.
In the first picture, Kuukka is holding star-shaped confetti and Martin is performing in the background to a sold-out stadium. Kuukka has also been able to capture the brilliance of the light bracelets and the fireworks explosion that culminated the evening.
Sabina Särkkä, known from the Miss Finland competition, danced and celebrated at the Olympic Stadium party. In the video, we see how Särkkä touches and shoots the green giant ball up and forward in the middle of the concert.
– Call it magic, thank you Coldplay, Särkkä writes referring to the band Magic-song, which also plays in the background of the video.
At every show, Coldplay play a surprise song requested by the audience. At the show on Sunday in Finland, the song played in the background of Särkä’s video Magic.
Finns Ella and Emman inspired, the song got its star moment during the concert. At the gig, they held the Finnish flag, on which they wrote a request to present Magic-paragraph. Suddenly the two were on stage singing to the same mic as Martin.
– Chris (Martin) came in front of us and said to throw that Finnish flag. He put the flag on his belt to hang and danced and sang with our flag.
– Suddenly we were just there, we don’t remember anything about it, the friends say.
Coldplay shared a photo of the friends on their official Instagram account.
They have shared a total of two posts from concerts in Finland.
Finns Ella and Emma sang the song Magic together with Chris Martin. Juuso Taipale
#Waited #years #Coldplays #concert