Korea Federation of Small and Medium Businesses conducts survey targeting young job seekers
The monthly salary preferred by young people is between 3 and 4 million won.
The most important thing for young people when choosing a job is ‘wage’
As the wage gap between workers at large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises continues to more than double, young people’s avoidance of employment at small and medium-sized enterprises is expected to continue for the time being.
The wage gap between workers at large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises is not being resolved. The wage gap, which is more than two-fold, continues to be a major obstacle to young people’s employment at small and medium-sized businesses.
According to the results of a survey of 1,000 young job seekers conducted by the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Businesses on the 14th from October 20 to November 1, the average monthly salary desired by young job seekers was 3.238 million won.
The most preferred salary by category was over 3 million won to less than 4 million won, at 40.7%. This is followed by less than 3 million won (38.4%) and more than 4 million won (20.9%).
The most important thing young people considered when choosing a job was wages. According to the survey results, the most important factor considered for employment (multiple responses) is salary level (47.4%). Additionally, when we asked the 356 respondents who said they were not considering employment at a small or medium-sized company for the reason, more than half responded that their salary was low (55.3%, multiple responses).
There were also mentions of poor working culture (29.5%), concerns about job instability (28.4%), and lack of freedom in using vacation (20.2%), but there was a large gap with first place.
In fact, the wage gap of more than double between workers at small and medium-sized companies and large companies has continued for several years.
According to the ‘Wage Work Job Income’ figures released by Statistics Korea this year, the average income of small and medium-sized enterprise workers (as of 2021) is 2.66 million won per month (pre-tax basis). It accounted for only 47.2% of large corporations (5.63 million won).
Although this figure is from two years ago, it was about 580,000 won (17.9%) lower than the wage desired by young job seekers (3.238 million won) in this Korea Federation of SMEs and Startups survey.
The average income of small and medium-sized workers is less than 50% of that of large companies. In 2016, it was 44.7% of large companies, followed by 45.7% in 2017, 46.1% in 2018, 47.6% in 2019, 49.0% in 2020, and 47.2% in 2021.
The wage gap widened as age increased.
In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, the average income of workers aged 20 to 24 is 1.57 million won per month, which is 73.0% of that of workers of the same age at large companies, but in the 50 to 54 age group, this ratio drops to 39.3%.
Reporter Lee Nam-young [email protected]
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2023-12-15 23:52:16
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