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Wadirkrimum Polda W Sumatra found dead in hotel room


West Sumatra Regional Police (West Sumatra) grieved. Deputy Director of General Criminal Investigations (Wadirreskrimum) Polda W Sumatra AKBP Muchtar Siregar was found dead in a hotel room in West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra.

West Sumatra Regional Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Dwi Sulistyawan said the body of AKBP Muchtar was found lying on the hotel bathroom floor at around 11:00 AM WIB on Thursday (17/11/2022 ).

“For the cause of death, it is still unknown till now,” Dwi Sulistyawan said in Padang, as reported Between.

Dwi explained that Muchtar received a direct assignment from West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Suharyono to serve in West Pasaman Regency.

“He’s currently on assignment for the regional police chief,” Dwi added.

Dwi acknowledged that Muchtar’s departure was a loss for West Sumatra Police. According to Dwi, Muchtar’s performance during his tenure as Wadirreskrimum Polda W Sumatra was very good. Muchtar has handled a number of cases that have come to public attention.

“The performance as members of the police is very good and a number of criminal cases can be resolved. We are sorry and feel a very deep loss. We hope that all their worship actions are accepted by Allah and have the best place,” he said. said Dvi.

Muchtar Siregar will be buried on Thursday evening at the W Sumatra Regional Police Headquarters to pay his last respects.

“Tomorrow (Friday 11/18) morning, his body will be flown to South Kalimantan for burial,” Dwi said.

See also the video: The police hold a crime scene investigation at the home of the “Dried” family.

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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