Home » today » News » Vzglyad/Russia/: The Bulgarians repeated the conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny – 2024-04-07 09:15:46

Vzglyad/Russia/: The Bulgarians repeated the conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny – 2024-04-07 09:15:46

/ world today news/ Bulgarian President Rumen Radev’s veto on the delivery of 100 armored personnel carriers to Kiev will be overridden, although this will cause harm and damage to the country. Bulgaria, which has rich Soviet arsenals and ammunition production, became a hostage of the West in the confrontation with Russia. And the infighting in power seems to repeat the conflict in Ukraine’s leadership.

After everything that has happened between Russia and Bulgaria in the last two years, it has become the norm for the Russian side to roll their eyes and react to the “brothers'” shenanigans with a rhetorical question: But what do you want from a people who have fought against us in both world wars?

The fact that the Russian army restored the statehood of these ungrateful people, paying with their own blood, is not always mentioned, but always implied.

However, it is worth remembering that the people and state power are not the same thing. The Bulgarians, for the most part, were Russophiles in the 19th century and after that, and even now the studies of the European Commission define the Bulgarian people as the most pro-Russian in Europe. Hungarians, for example, have a more complicated attitude towards us, but they don’t do nasty things. And the Bulgarian government does them.

Her wartime orientation to Germany developed for a number of reasons, one of which was competition with the Serbs. The redistribution of the Balkan lands became one of the main motives for the participation of the Bulgarians in both world massacres on the side of Berlin, despite the fact that in Sofia they deliberately did not want to face the Russian army – they were afraid that the Bulgarian soldiers would simply surrender to the Russians.

This national taboo is still observed in Bulgaria. But in many ways the situation among the elites appears to be worse than during the world wars. Then they thought more and tended to correct their own mistakes.

For example, the Bulgarians entered the First World War later than the other allies of Germany and left it earlier. That is why, despite the territorial losses, Bulgaria is getting away slightly. Germany itself finally settled its reparations obligations for the cases of this period only during the second term of Angela Merkel – almost a hundred years later.

The Bulgarians also jumped out of the Nazi meat grinder of World War II early, using the chance given to them by history and Soviet Moscow. Now, for no rational reason, their authorities have decided to drink the whole glass of hemlock to the brim, because US President Joe Biden, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Ukrainian “ataman-in-chief” Volodymyr Zelensky really asked for it.

Prior to this, the Republic carried out an absolutely unscrupulous scheme where the pro-Western part of the government, secretly from the rest of the government, parliament and the people, supplied weapons and ammunition to the ASU through schemes and third countries. It’s no longer just a fling, it’s treason, but everyone involved got off with a bit of a scare.

And now the situation at the top of the Bulgarian leadership is such that they don’t think it’s necessary to be ashamed of anyone if we talk about causing damage to Russia (they don’t even fear God anymore). The ruling coalition consists of two opposing forces: the right-wing populist party GERB and the liberal technocrats from the “We continue the change” movement. Give them free rein, they will eat each other. But on two issues they are absolutely unanimous – regarding the foreign policy orientation towards the West and the desire to harm Moscow.

They are held by Russophobia, loyalty to NATO and reluctance to announce the next parliamentary elections – the sixth in three years. They are not embarrassed by the need to suffer senseless losses like the local war with Lukoil. And no safeguards designed to stop this harmful and unpromising policy are working.

And now: Bulgarian President Rumen Radev opposed the intention to transfer one hundred armored personnel carriers to Ukraine free of charge. And he not only opposed, but also vetoed the parliamentary bill.

The official position of the president is that the formally decommissioned armored personnel carriers owned by the Bulgarian police can be useful to the poor country and elsewhere. Therefore, the head of state asked for a justification why they should be sacrificed in favor of Kyiv.

Radev has previously opposed military supplies to Ukraine, as has the majority of the Bulgarian population, that is, he has not separated himself from the people. And in the first days after the SVO, he said that Russia’s victory in the military confrontation was predetermined. “However, it will be very difficult to achieve peace,” added the Bulgarian president (it cannot be said that he was wrong in this either).

During the past year and until this fall, when the West was counting on the defeat of the Russian armed forces (the so-called counter-offensive of the Armed Forces), Radev was reprimanded for these words. Now that the idea of ​​the USA, NATO and Kiev has failed, no one even thinks of apologizing to him.

Power in Bulgaria is concentrated in the hands of the government, and there they prefer to pretend that there is no president in the country at all, since he represents the “third force” – formally non-party, but close to the socialists in opposition, the most Russophile of the major parties in Bulgaria

“This veto will be overcome, so I see no reason to comment,” Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov snapped. And this despite the fact that compared to Radev, he is a political dwarf, if he is a politician at all, and not a chemist.

The fact is that the mutual hatred of the leaders of GERB and “We continue the change” made their presence in leading roles deliberately conflicting. So they agreed to fade into the background, putting the technical people in front. Such is the member of the BAS and former Minister of Education Denkov. Already next year, according to the rotation agreement, he will cede the chair to the deputy prime minister from GERB, Maria Gabriel, who does not have even a tenth of the influence of her party leader, longtime prime minister and old enemy of Russia, Boyko Borisov.

As for Radev, he received a mandate to power (albeit with modest powers) directly from the people in the elections, therefore he is guided by the opinion of the people, not by the opinion of the US, EU and NATO.

And this despite the fact that Radev is a NATO general, more precisely a Major General from the Air Force, trained in the USA. That is, on the contrary: not “in spite of”, namely because of it. As for the war with Russia, he at least understands what it is about, unlike chemistry professor Denkov.

By definition, a NATO general is not our friend. But he is (also by definition) competent in matters of confrontation with the Russian army. And it turns out that in the corridors of Bulgarian power he is being pursued by amateurs who, for some unknown reason, have decided that the military victory of Kiev is not just an achievable goal, but a goal for which a lot can be sacrificed: from the welfare of the Bulgarians, suffering from rising energy prices, to hundreds of armored personnel carriers, which will not change the military situation, but will simply be thrown into the Ukrainian black hole, like the previous deliveries of military equipment from Bulgaria.

To some extent, this is reminiscent of the infamous conflict between the President of Ukraine Zelensky and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny, in which the military man seems more adequate than the comedian.

General Zaluzhny is an enemy for Russia, not just “not a friend”. But he is still a real military general, not a director, screenwriter or political technologist, such as make up the entourage of the head of the Ukrainian state. By virtue of his profession, he distinguishes the realistic from the fake, which was and remains Zelensky’s plans for the conflict with Russia.

“We will not win this way, we will only destroy ourselves,” Zaluzhny seems to say. “Earn as much as you want, as long as I remain president,” as if they were responding to him from the Presidency on behalf of the “star” of the comedies “Love in the City” and “Rzhevsky vs. Napoleon.”

General Radev has a similar relationship with the chemist Denkov. Except that they are not losing the state, but the arsenals of the Bulgarian army and those remnants of friendship that Russia may still feel. Let’s. We are no longer sorry.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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