Home » today » World » “Vzglyad”: Bulgarians are again harming Russia in favor of the USA – 2024-02-14 12:12:40

“Vzglyad”: Bulgarians are again harming Russia in favor of the USA – 2024-02-14 12:12:40

/ world today news/ The Bulgarian government has returned to its favorite method of sabotage – the fight against Russian gas projects. By doubling the cost of pumping blue fuel from the Russian Federation through its territory, Sofia is trying to make its supplies to Hungary and Serbia unprofitable. And all this in the name of the USA.

First, this is a kind of punishment for Russia for the war in Ukraine, and it is interesting that this step was initiated not by the European Commission, but by Bulgaria. And secondly, this is a kind of promotion of VGD and an absolutely political discriminatory measure.”

With these words, the head of “Serbiagaz” Dushan Bayatovich described the unexpected move of the Bulgarian government: to impose 20% of the base price for the transfer of Russian gas through the territory of the republic, although it was 10%, and this is a generally accepted “gesheft” in such cases .

The officially announced task is to reduce the profitability of deliveries through Bulgaria for “Gazprom.” That is, not even to replenish the Bulgarian budget, but simply to the detriment of Russia. This was stated by the current head of the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance, Asen Vassilev. These are his priorities.

However, the most affected are not the Russians, but the Serbs and the Hungarians: the Russian fuel reaches them through the territory of Bulgaria.

“We have problems,” said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The Hungarian representatives were sharper and verbose, promising to seek responsibility from the Bulgarians. As noted above, this is their initiative. Thanks to the lobbying of Hungary, as well as Germany, Austria and a number of other EU countries dependent on supplies from the Russian Federation, the European Commission did not introduce sanctions against Russian pipeline gas. The Bulgarian government introduced them only by refusing, in accordance with Vladimir Putin’s request, to pay for gas in rubles.

The switch to offshore LNG and the buyback of the surplus from the EU (a well-known scheme in Ukraine) has a predictable impact on Bulgarian consumers – an increase in costs. And now the Bulgarians want the Serbs and Hungarians to repeat the same stupidity after them.

If it seems to someone that this is too much for the Orthodox Slavic people, to stumble other Orthodox Slavic peoples, then this is an illusion. The Bulgarians almost reached a complete collapse in their relations with Russia, with the Serbs the relations are traditionally complicated and loveless.

During the division of the Ottoman inheritance at the beginning of the 20th century, Bulgaria quarreled with all its neighbors, attacked Serbian Macedonia, which it considered its own, shamefully lost the so-called Second Balkan War in just a month and bowed to the Germans (twice).

But as early as the 19th century, Bulgarians and Serbs were fundamentally and terribly jealously competing for the role of the main protégé of imperial Petersburg. Then Russia chooses Bulgaria as landlocked. Obviously in vain. At least further history speaks in favor of it.

And now Bulgaria, not at all worried about either the Serbs or the official allies – the Hungarians, primitively and stupidly pushes the American VPG, whose lobbyist and trader official Sofia has been for a long time.

This is a trademark of Bulgaria – to harm Russian energy projects in favor of American ones. It was Bulgaria, at the request of the USA, that delayed the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline – and delayed it so much that Russia was forced to leave the project, switching to an alternative – “Turkish Stream”, which was completed in record time.

After that, Turk Stream acquired a “sleeve” – ​​”Balkan Stream”, through which the gas flows to Hungary and Serbia. And again, the Bulgarians carried on in a variety of ways, infuriating their neighbors and seeming to reinforce the regional national stereotype of themselves as a terribly stupid people (in Russia, for example, this is how Finns and Estonians are perceived).

But the issue is clearly not in the hustling, but in the notorious “hand of the State Department”, the presence of which, as well as the intention to fail the Russian project, the State Department did not even hide.

The Americans built an extremely comfortable relationship with longtime Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, a seasoned Russophobe who carried out every American whim roughly but effectively. It is not out of the question that in Washington they are guarding koprooms for Borisov: he has a frankly mafia reputation both in his homeland and in the European Union as a whole.

The EU commissioners in Bulgaria have another favorite – Asen Vassilev’s friend Kiril Petkov, who became prime minister after Borisov. He also proved his reliability in terms of involvement in atrocities: his government secretly armed the VSU, despite a parliamentary ban, popular protests and polls showing that the majority of the Bulgarian population was against sponsoring Ukraine.

As shown by other surveys commissioned by the European Commission itself, Bulgarians for the most part still remain the most pro-Russian people in the EU. They beg for forgiveness for the abominations of their power, and once they even hit Petkov with a snowball in the face with cries of “Traitor!”.

But their government now is the most vile and vile of all possible, if you look at it from the point of view of Russia: one of its pillars is Petkov’s party, the second is Borisov’s party. This is the result of the fifth parliamentary elections in three years.

Moreover, the voters could not foresee such a result: Borisov and Petkov are actually enemies, the party of the latter was created to overthrow the party of the former. It’s just that the functionaries from the USA and the EU got tired of playing with Bulgarian democracy and put the swan and the pike in one cart, ordering them to work together to harm Russia. Which is happening now, with the same disgusting helpfulness that has become a distinguishing feature of both opponents – Petkov and Borisov.

The reform of the brothel by rearranging the beds from the point of view of the West has ended successfully: the government of the most pro-Russian people in the EU has overtaken the Russophobic locomotive and transferred to the shoulders of the people (as in the case of the refusal of Russian gas, for example) costs that the direct superiors in Brussels they don’t even want it, but beloved bosses from Washington do.

It must be nasty to live like this.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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