Home » Entertainment » Vysotskaya accidentally turned on the “secret” daughter (photo)

Vysotskaya accidentally turned on the “secret” daughter (photo)

The artist inadvertently showed the heiress.

Yulia Vysotskaya’s family keeps any information about her daughter, who has been bedridden for years after a terrible accident, under seven seals. But the star has not managed to completely “erase” her heiress from her life on social networks.

You can’t wait for the actress to tell the latest news about the state of her daughter Masha. However, Andrei Konchalovsky’s wife showed it by accident.

The family, experiencing a personal tragedy, carefully preserves the most touching memories associated with a 23-year-old girl. In the story, the artist showed a luxurious bouquet of flowers – and the picture in the lower corner did not escape the attentive eye, where the director is depicted next to a blond child.

Screen “Julia Vysotskaya” / Social network

Photo source: Legion-Media

Natalia Passhneva

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