Technological innovation, development and research have become strategic axes of the business environment to contribute to the economic reactivation of the country; For this reason, the Red IDi Civil Association – which brings together more than 1,800 researchers and more than 500 laboratories from 7 public and private universities in the country – calls for the second edition of the University-Company Relationship Award – VUE 2021.
The VUE 2021 Award is aimed at micro, small, medium and large companies: applications close on February 19; for more details, go to:, call (01) 6269400 extension 101420, whatsapp 994-857-931 and write to the email: [email protected]
“The pandemic has put us in front of one of the most challenging moments in history and therefore, it is necessary to foster the Triple Helix made up of the Academy, companies and the State. You have to bet on the Peruvian talent that is in the universities. Innovation needs to be in the DNA of companies, universities and the State ”, stated the executive director of the IDi Network, Ing. César Pongo H.
César Pongo stated that the distinction will recognize the joint efforts between micro, small, medium and large companies, and the universities that are members of the IDi RED, when developing research, development and innovation projects.
As explained, the RED IDi ( integrates universities with extensive experience in science, technology and innovation: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University (PCH), National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) and the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA) ”.
“The IDi NETWORK works to strengthen the nexus between companies and university centers, for example, by providing more than 500 laboratories that the 7 universities have,” added the executive director.
VUE 2019 AWARD – Winning projects
Ecological CO2 production that increases agricultural and aquaculture productivity
Project that ecologically generates carbon dioxide (CO2), to increase agricultural and aquaculture productivity; especially in the highlands, where if it were applied en masse, both sectors would be highly profitable and sustainable. In addition, with carbonic fertilization, foods with high protein content are obtained. Likewise, the parallel generation of lime and CO2 supports the remediation of most of the 8,000 mining environmental liabilities that pollute the country and which, until now, lacked an economic solution. Cervical disc implantation reduces the cost of surgeries and is more effective
It is a flexible 3D implant for patients with hernias in the neck; It is made to measure for each person and allows greater movement than current implants; in addition, the surgeries would be less expensive.
System to obtain coffee with high commercial value
It replicates the digestive system of the coati, and achieves a higher quality coffee; In addition to increasing the earnings of small coffee growers in the Pichanaki district (Junín) by 2 more soles per cup.