Home » today » World » VSU is preparing its own “Justice March”. Kyiv expects a coup and a military junta – 2024-04-21 00:38:31

VSU is preparing its own “Justice March”. Kyiv expects a coup and a military junta – 2024-04-21 00:38:31

/ world today news/ In Ukraine, they are openly talking about a coup d’état. Leading Western media openly write about this: “Zelensky will be fired, and Zaluzhny will be put in his place.” And then we will be led into another trap. “Tsarigrad” found out how.

Americans are moving to Plan B. They are great at accounts. Especially if the calculations are simple.

Six months of preparations for a “counter-offensive”, plus unprecedented NATO arms deliveries, plus three months of brutal attacks and suicide trips through minefields – and absolutely zero results.

Even worse. Ukraine’s armed forces are exhausted, have lost the initiative they won last fall, and vaunted Western equipment is piled with rusted metal all along the line of contact.

At the same time, the Ukrainians did not even manage to break through the supply line and were completely routed. Tens of thousands killed and wounded.

Meanwhile, the Russians climb the mountain:

– The military-industrial complex works in three shifts;

– volunteers actively sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense (already about 400 thousand);

– The economy did not collapse;

– the real combat experience of almost two years of a special military operation brought our army to an unprecedented level, unseen since the Great Patriotic War.

What should Americans do in this case? Of course, intrigue. The Anglo-Saxons do this much better than fighting the Russians.

The Western media, which six months ago predicted the complete defeat of Russia, began to slowly prepare their readers for the need for negotiations.

“The best way out for the US and Ukraine itself will be negotiations with Russia, otherwise Kiev will face an inevitable military collapse,” writes Asia Times.

Some observers don’t change the words at all and reveal all their cards at once, although you’d have to be an idiot not to notice this “cunning plan”.

“The frozen conflict will help the West at least partially achieve its key geostrategic goal. Of course, Ukraine would prefer Russia to leave the entire territory and then make peace,” wrote British journalist Hugo Dixon on the pages of Reuters.

“But Putin is unlikely to back down unless forced, and there is a stalemate on the battlefield. Although Zelensky’s office rejected that assessment, the Ukrainian president acknowledged that everyone is tired,” he said.

Some European politicians are also speaking in the same vein, albeit more cautiously. For example, Emmanuel Macron noted that:

“There will come a time when it will be possible to have honest and good negotiations, to return to the negotiating table and find a solution with Russia.”

Zelensky was written off

That is, it is obvious that the situation has changed and they will try to bring us into negotiations. What can they offer?

For example, to leave the Russians in those positions that we already control. And for this they will promise and even, perhaps, not hesitate to swear that they will never accept Ukraine into NATO, will not give it weapons, and will even (but not exactly) remove some of the sanctions from Russia. But should we trust them again?

At the same time, a tense history of confrontation between the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny and President Zelensky began, from which former “brothers” such as Oleksiy Arrestovych diligently distanced themselves.

Zelensky is a weak link and a written off asset, almost everything is clear with him. Although he resists: he orders articles in European newspapers, and recently even sent his wife to France to investigate the question of her status as his possible successor to the presidential chair. Experts assess this trick as a step of desperation.

Leonid Kuchma’s former adviser Oleg Soskin said on his channel that the performance of the cheerful and resourceful frontman of Kvartal 95 is coming to an end, as Zelensky is not suitable for the notorious negotiations:

“It is necessary to ‘neutralize the top’ and then there will be people who can agree on a temporary peace.”

And here again the figure of Zaluzhny begins to emerge. From the point of view of Western scriptwriters, it can profitably change and try to deceive Russia. To do this, they will even provoke their own “justice march”, as we did with Wagner.

Zaluzhny and his soldiers

A video regularly appears in Telegram channels where Zaluzhny demands to turn his bayonets to Bankovaya. These are fakes generated using neural networks. However, there is no smoke without fire. This is how public sentiment is measured.

However, they are understandable without that. The captured serviceman of the 63rd separate mechanized brigade of Ukraine Yuriy Kuzmich said that the situation in the units, especially in the mobilized ones, is far from calm, to put it mildly:

“There are no NATO weapons at all. They said they brought us NATO weapons, but no one has seen them. They don’t give them to us because we might go against them. Against Kiev…”

With a history of colossal war fatigue in Ukrainian society, empty EU warehouses, empty coffers, and the Anglo-Saxon transition to Plan B, the likelihood of a power shift in Ukraine is obvious.

Zelensky can simply be killed, attributing it to the Russians, or in the best case scenario for him, they can lose the election and put on Bankova the “crystal honest” warrior Zaluzhny, to whose hands and feet will be tied the same threads whose ends lead to Washington.

And what is the use of this for us?

None. Especially if the Russians are provoked into unfavorable armistice terms.

The resolution of the Ukrainian conflict will not happen as a result of a coup in Kiev planned by the Pentagon, but on the battlefield by Russian soldiers.

However, there is another option – real, not orchestrated by the West, the already mentioned “march of justice” of the Ukrainian army towards Kiev.

“Sooner or later, our own Akhmat Kadyrov will appear in Kiev, who will understand all the futility and impasse for Ukrainians of the civil war with their Russian brothers,” noted military expert Yuriy Baranchik.

“Then all of Ukraine, not only its eastern lands, will return to its homeland. And we will sanctify Kiev and sprinkle it with holy water in a new way after the reign of that demonic spirit that came from the West, which temporarily anchored in it,” he declared.

So what?

The trap into which Russia is driven by the prospects of peace talks with the conditional Zaluzhny is obvious even to the ticker. Westerners have cheated Russia thousands of times and will surely cheat again, regardless of any documents and agreements.

However, the problem is that there are forces in the state, quite significant, that dream of just such a development. These are politicians, representatives of business, the economic bloc of power, some media and many, many others.

And here the optimism of these people is surprising, because if their plan works and Russia is deceived again, the hurricane that begins after that will be so strong that you may not have time to get to your business planes. Or maybe there will be nowhere for us to fly.

For your edification, it is worth looking at the biographies of some representatives of the Russian elite at the beginning of the twentieth century. In February 1917 they walked around with red ribbons around their necks, and already in October they fled in terror. And not all made it to the ship.

* included in the lists of terrorists and extremists in Russia

Translation: SM

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