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Vraem’s main problem is drug trafficking

In an interview given to the Regional Media Network of Peru, which makes up Inforegion, Vargas Céspedes recalled that Sendero Luminoso (SL) had operated in Vraem since the early 1980s, under the command of Oscar Ramírez Durand, the bloodthirsty “comrade Feliciano”, who led the Senderista hosts where the Quispe Palomino, the current terrorists who dominate the area, were simple combatants.

According to the former president of Devida, SL, it settled in the then valley of the Apurímac and ENE rivers (VRAE) due to the existence of illegal economies in the area such as drug trafficking and illegal logging, without greater control of the State.

Regarding the actions of the Armed Forces, the specialist considers that their work was essential to prevent the expansion of the terrorist group in the area, which even wanted to have control of the Camisea gas, an objective that was not achieved due to the performance of the military. However, he considers that since drug trafficking is Vraem’s biggest problem, above terrorism, the strategy should be led by the anti-drug police and not by the FF. AA.

“We must not forget that the responsibility for internal order and public order belongs to the Armed Forces, in accordance with the supreme resolution declaring a state of emergency in Vraem. There must be a political decision from the national government to reverse this strategy and that DIrandro is in charge of operations against drug trafficking, while the military must serve as support, something that currently does not happen, ”he commented.

He also pointed out that Devida is required to be the governing body in the fight against drugs, a mission that it currently does not fulfill since it only has the function of coordinating and preventing drug use.

“It is important that Devida fortified asks each institution that has responsibility for the fight against drugs to meet the goals that are clearly stated in the National Anti-Drug Policy,” he emphasized.

Finally, he urged to look at the successful experience applied in Alto Huallaga, where the joint work of various public and private institutions has allowed legal economies to prevail over drug trafficking, unlike what happens in Vraem.

Watch the full interview conducted for the Regional Media Network of Peru here. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=754373362944123

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