The police intervention was carried out in the district of Tintay Puncu, in the province of Tayacaja, Huancavelica region, which allowed the officers to spot a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction near a sports venue in the area. Reference Photo.
As part of the operation called “Impacto Vraem”, agents of the National Police of Peru (PNP) managed to seize a total of 362.7 kilograms of cocaine hydrochloride that were transported aboard a van that was traveling through the jurisdiction of the Apurimac River Valley. , Ene and Mantaro.
The police intervention was carried out in the Tintay Puncu district, in the province of Tayacaja, Huancavelica region, which allowed the officers to spot a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction near a sports venue in the area.
During the search of the AYO-921 license plate van, the Vraem Police Front agents found twelve raffia sacks, inside which a large number of brick-type packages were kept, as well as three portable radios and two cell phones.
Likewise, the capture of Richard Gonzales Curo (34), Jholiño Cárdenas Huamán (25), Edin Flores Curo (24) and Luis Crisóstomo Curo (19) was achieved. The four detained people will be placed at the disposal of the corresponding prosecutor’s office for investigations into the crime of illicit drug trafficking.
#Vraem #Police #seized #kilos #drugs
– 2024-04-23 13:31:57