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Vra Mikulcov: Cesta kulturistky k vrcholn formě po dvacet let

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Kulturistiku dlm pes dvacet let. Co se tk zmny⁢ mho​ vzhledu, bvala jsem‍ kdysi obzn. ⁤Vila jsem ⁣94 kilo,‍ ale ne ve svalech, ale ve peku. ​Tlo se mi ​pak postupem asu‌ pomaliku rok po roce ⁣vrazn mnilo a svaly narstaly. U ‌je to⁢ dvno, bylo to opravdu postupn a prbn, myslm si, e tak to‍ m bt, prozradila Vra ‌Mikulcov v rozhovoru pro poad ivot ‍ve hvzdch na Nov.

O kulturistce se asto pe, e je⁣ pli maskulinn a vypad sp jako mu. Ona je‌ vak se svm vytouenm vzhledem naprosto spokojen. U m to byl cl takto⁣ vypadat. I kdy se⁢ oprostm od zvodn kulturistiky, tak se mi lb a vdycky dm‌ pednost lovku, ‍kter trochu cvi a m njak tvary. Odjakiva se mi lb, ⁣kdy je lovk svalnat, za tm ⁣clem jsem ⁤si la i j. Idelem​ krsy je pro m symetrie, vysvtluje ampionka, ‍kter bhem sportovn kariry ⁢posbrala mnoho ocenn.

Nemu zapomenout⁤ na svj pln prvn zvod, ten ⁢byl v Torontu v Kanad⁢ v roce 2015. Tam jsem skonila druh. V roce 2023 jsem dostala nominaci na⁣ Masters Olympia, to je ‍takov ‍m dal nejlep vzpomnka. Zvodm‌ ob rok, take letos mm objemovou a odpoinkovou fzi. Podn cvim a⁤ stravuji se do ‌objemu. V⁢ roce 2025 si⁣ zase vyberu‍ njakou nominan​ sout na Olympii a⁤ pjdu‍ zvodit, k.

Make-up a⁢ nnj viz na Ve Mikulcov kromI train and eat within ⁣limits. In 2025, I will choose some nomination for the Olympics and go compete, okay.

You won’t see makeup and fancy ⁤clothes on Vra⁣ Mikulcov except for competitions. I only use it for competitions or for interviews and photoshoots if someone requires it. Otherwise, I don’t really ⁤care about ⁤it. I ⁢prefer leggings, ⁣shorts, and t-shirts. When going to a social event,⁢ everyone should have a formal suit. But I‌ work in ⁢my gym, so I almost always wear sportswear. You definitely won’t see‍ me in high heels, unless there’s some huge bet, laughs the athlete.

A bodybuilder’s life is demanding physically and mentally. Vra finds stable support in her partner Jana, with whom she has been for twenty-one years. When you do bodybuilding, you need your partner⁣ to be⁢ tolerant. When preparing for⁢ competitions, it’s about​ four⁢ months of dieting. Basically, you just eat, ‍sleep, and train. Sometimes you go​ on a trip, but your whole life revolves around it. I’m lucky to have Jana, who helps me. She can sacrifice for the other, which is⁤ rare to⁤ see, ‍says ‌Mikulcov.

Vra Mikulcov (2007)

We talked about registered partnership, but when two people are together, I think there’s no need for any stamp. ‍But if I look at it from a ​health perspective, ‌maybe in the future, who knows. As for the family, we have two ⁤mini dogs, which is‍ enough for us. We agreed on that, we definitely won’t have children. ​Just the thought of changing diapers and rocking, she adds with a laugh.

Vra Mikulcov was‍ born on November‍ 16, 1981 in Jihlava. In her youth, she first focused on basketball, but she ⁢ended ⁤that in her junior years. During ⁢one of the ⁤medical check-ups, the doctor told her she was too overweight, so⁢ she became​ interested in bodybuilding, which she absolutely ‌fell ⁢in love with. She regularly competes in professional‍ competitions‍ in America and Canada.

In ​2015, she even entered the Czech Book of Records as the youngest and‍ at⁢ the‍ same time the strongest bodybuilder in the world. A few ‍years ⁢ago, she fulfilled one of her dreams​ and opened a​ fitness center in her hometown. Fitness Factory is operated with her ‍friend Jana.

VIDEO: Vra Mikulcov‍ – ‍Doping in​ professional bodybuilding is normal:⁤

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