VPK’s building in Tuomarila, Espoo, caught fire on Thursday.
The house of the Tuomarila VPK in Espoo caught fire on Thursday and several emergency vehicles were called to the scene.
– There is VPK’s old previous building in the stage of full fire. The rescue service is on the scene with several units and is extinguishing the building fire, the rescue service said on Thursday evening.
According to the rescue service, there are no known personal injuries, nor is there a reason why the fire started.
– There is traffic control in the area and strong smoke formation.
Ventilation closed
At around 11 p.m., the rescue service announced on message service X that the fire is under control, but that subsequent extinguishing and clearing work will continue until Friday morning.
– Smoke is still forming, so keep the ventilation and the windows closed, the rescue service urges.
No injuries
According to the rescue service’s release, there are no known personal injuries. When the rescue service arrived at the scene, the exterior cement boards used in the wall’s exterior cladding crashed and pieces of the boards flew 20 meters away from the building.
According to the release, the building will be completely destroyed as a result of the fire. One rescue service vehicle was also slightly damaged due to thermal radiation.

There were several emergency vehicles at the scene in the evening. Joonas Alanne
The flames of the VPK house. Joonas Alanne
#VPKs #house #burned #Espoo #extinguishing #work #continue #morning