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#VPData | Covid vaccine, education or economy: what the Generalitat Valenciana ‘tweets’ about

VALENCIA. More than forty topics in just under 2,500 tweets. That is the balance of an intense 2021 for the official account of the Generalitat Valenciana on Twitter, from which More than six daily messages were published with links or mentions to the media from all kinds of fields. But beyond which are the journalistic companies most used by the Consell to spread its activity, the profile of ‘@generalitat’ also offers insight into What issues does the Valencian Executive put special emphasis on when it comes to posting its messages on networks and, therefore, which ones could be more important within their communication strategy.

In this sense, and according to the analysis of the official Twitter account of the Generalitat carried out by valence square, These issues include public service information such as the call for oppositions or the constant updates on the restrictions in force due to the pandemic. However the The most tweeted issue last year by the Consell was undoubtedly the coronavirus vaccine. Around its reception, its inoculation in the Valencian population or the location of the vaccination points, almost one out of every four media messages shared by the Valencian Government on Twitter was articulated.

It is a result that is not surprising given the virulence with which the coronavirus began 2021 in the Valencian Community, which still sees the third wave of the pandemic as the most lethal in its territory, and the great importance that the Valencian Executive he conferred the arrival of doses as an exit to the virus. So that, the progress of this vaccination process started in the last days of 2020 covered most of the Consell’s communicative agenda on networks, and were even consolidated as the most shared theme in many of the months of the year. In fact, between March and August 2021, at least 22% of the monthly tweets from ‘@generalitat’ contained information about the coronavirus vaccineaccording to the classification prepared by this newspaper.

On the other hand, and in addition to the vaccine, the pandemic monopolized, with tweets that collected the evolution of the main indicators in the Valencian Community, the restrictions in force, the covid-19 passport or aid to the sectors most affected by the crisis. , more than half of the media news shared by the official account of the Generalitat Valenciana throughout the past year. In this way, and after dose inoculation, 280 messages were published on the incidence of the pandemic and 290 on measures to mitigate its effects.

The analysis of the frequency of publication of news about covid-19 also reveals three informative ‘peaks’ throughout the year. The first of them would be located in the worst moments of the third wave, between the end of January and the beginning of February, which is consolidated as well as the period of time in which the percentage of news shared about the virus weighed most with respect to the total number of tweets with links to the media. For its part, the second ascent occurred in early August, also around the height of another less lethal wave, the fourthwhile the last increase was given to early December, at a time when the influx of people to the mass vaccination points grew dramatically due to the covid-19 passport requirement to access certain establishments.

The proportion of tweets about the coronavirus with respect to the total messages from journalistic companies issued by ‘@generalitat’ it was also reduced as the evolution of the pandemic was contained and progress was made in the vaccination process, since while in the month of January seven out of ten were on this subject, as of June the frequency fell to less than half of the total. And in the last months of the year, when booster doses had already begun to be inoculated in various population groups, only 35% of the media news referred to some aspect of the virus. Nevertheless, the month in which the least was tweeted about covid-19 and any of its related topics was November, with only 16.3%.

Apart from the pandemic, one of the most discussed issues by the official account of the Valencian Government on Twitter were educational, with 120 broadcast news. These include information on the tests of the Qualifying Board of Coneixements de Valencià or the preparation and development of selectivity, but also publications on the policies of the Ministry of Education alone or in collaboration with other departments, such as news about the Plan Edificant of school infrastructures. Another area that has weight in the account of the Generalitat is the economya subject about which nearly a hundred tweets have been published on topics as diverse as the Valencian Battery Alliance, key sectors such as ceramics or agri-food, and the promotion from the Valencian Government to the social economy.

After these topics The volume of tweets published from ‘@generalitat’ on the tourism field also stands outhealth policies regardless of the evolution of the pandemic, initiatives in the field of
equality and social services, and the world of culture. In fact, only in two months of the year, October and November, the most tweeted topic was not directly related to covid-19, and in the latter case, culture was the predominant topic. This is due to the confluence of different advertisements relevant to this area, such as public investment in the Benidorm Fest and the Goya or the approval of 2022 as Joan Fuster Year. On political issues predominated in Octoberdue in large part to the institutional speeches for the 9 d’Octubre and its claims and repercussions.

May, the month with the most intense activity

Beyond the issues covered by the news shared from the Twitter user of the Generalitat Valenciana, the frequency of publication of informative media pieces varied throughout the year. In general terms, the first half of 2021 was much more prolific in this regard, while a relaxation can be seen since August in the daily number of publications of communicative companies that are made from ‘@generalitat’. Thus, and after a contained start to the year, the tweets began to be more and more frequent from March and reached more than four hundred in May, the most intense month of 2021.

In this way, Between March and July, up to twenty-five media tweets were published on two different daysan issue that is not due to the greater dissemination of a specific fact but rather to the confluence of several of them of relevance. For example, on May 18 that number of publications was reached as the first balances of the tourism sector coincide before the summer campaign with the advance of vaccination and the drop in incidence to very low levels in Valencian territory. Even so, the pace of publication if it sometimes responds to a single issue that you want to focus on, as happened on April 19.

That was the day on which mass vaccination began in the Valencian Community, and many of the more than twenty media news items that were broadcast that day were about it. from the official Twitter of the Generalitat. Also, the head of the Council, Ximo Puig, He was live at 9:15 a.m. that same day for a Telecinco program, in which he commented on this matter. The president also addressed other issues related to this event, such as the general evolution of the pandemic at a time when Valencian autonomy had been the region with the lowest accumulated incidence in the entire country for a month.

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