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Voyager 1 Interstellar Probe Experiencing Serious Problems, NASA Reveals

NASA has revealed that the Voyager 1 interstellar probe is experiencing serious problems.

The legendary Voyager spacecraft – which has flown farther than any other spacecraft – was able to receive messages from Earth, but a computer error prevented Voyager from transmitting vital information.

As a result, no scientific or engineering data is sent back to Earth, he added – explained the space agency on the blog.


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There is no quick solution. NASA engineers tried to reset the damaged computer, called the flight data system (FDS), but it continued to send the same software code patterns. “It may take several weeks for engineers to develop a new plan to resolve the issue,” the agency explained.

Engineers can’t just send a new command and see if it solves the problem. This might make things worse.

“Finding solutions to problems facing spacecraft often requires consulting decades-old original documents written by engineers who did not anticipate the problems that arise today,” NASA said. “As a result, the team needed time to understand how these new commands would impact spacecraft operations to avoid unintended consequences.”

NASA engineers work on the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1977.
Sumber: NASA / JPL-Caltech

The good news is that NASA Voyager engineers have proven excellent at solving spacecraft problems time and time again. It just requires patience. After all, Voyager 1 (and its sibling Voyager 2) is approaching 50 years old. In contrast, billions of miles away in space, it took more than 22 hours for Voyager 1 to send a message.

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These two ships, launched in 1977, continue to carry out important research. They transmit data about radiation in interstellar space and how far the Sun’s energy bubbles and protective particles extend into space.

“The science data provided by Voyager becomes more valuable the farther they are from the Sun, so we are very interested in keeping as many science instruments operational as possible for as long as possible” – Linda Spilker, Voyager project scientist, he said earlier this year.

If NASA keeps both spacecraft operational, they will have enough fuel to transmit data for the next decade. until the mid-1930s.

2023-12-14 06:21:25
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