Home » today » News » Vox’s protest in Oviedo, at the honking of the horn and Spanish flags, collapses the city center | Radio Asturias | Present

Vox’s protest in Oviedo, at the honking of the horn and Spanish flags, collapses the city center | Radio Asturias | Present

As in other provincial capitals, also in Oviedo, Vox he co-summoned at twelve noon, this Saturday, a “Caravan for Spain and its Freedom “, as they have called it, in which its participants have traveled, by car, of course, the main streets of the city starting from the street Uría, surrounding the San Francisco Field and ending in the Plaza de España, in front of the Government Delegation in Asturias. Once at the finish line, a minute’s silence was observed and the march ended with the Spanish anthem, which was played through the loudspeakers of one of the participating vehicles. According to the organizers, going by car has been to guarantee social distancing and it was also requested to go with a mask.

Vox sought to collapse the centers of the cities where it has carried out these mobilizations, and has achieved that the presence of cars in the case of Oviedo, have filled the roads of Uría, Conde de Toreno, Avenida de Galicia, Plaza de América, Santa Susana, Marqués de Santa Cruz, Federico García Lorca and Santa Teresa through whom the caravan has circulated.

The vehicles and participants, some also on foot, have not stopped playing the horns for a moment, starring in a loud whistle throughout the tour, with the occasional saucepan that has also sounded. Attendees have been equipped at all times with flags of Spain in a protest that has addressed the government of Pedro Sánchez, who they accuse of lying and restricting the freedoms of the Spanish with the application of the State of Alarm. The regional deputy of the formation gave voice to the unease of the supporters of Vox, Sara Alvarez Rouco, participant in this mobilization that has had the approval of the Government Delegation in the region for its development. In his words, “we have a government far from the reality of the Spanish. And the social communist government has used this crisis to restrict the rights of citizens ”.


To questions from journalists the President of the Principality, Adrián Barbón, has avoided entering the bottom of the protest called today by Vox. Of course, he has appealed to the dialogue of all political forces as happened during the gestation of the Spanish Constitution, at this time, to get out of the crisis.

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