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Vox wants to return Gibraltar to Spain “immediately”

Santiago Abascal Vox Gibraltar Spain

British sovereignty over the Rock of Gibraltar was until now an almost unapproachable question. Nevertheless, Vox he has raised his voice. He has also expressed his desire to return immediately Gibraltar a Spain.

In this context, Vox has presented a non-law proposal in the Andalusian Parliament, for debate in Full. In it, the Board is urged to demand that the central government reject an agreement with the United Kingdom government that implies “any transfer or qualification of Spain’s historical claims on the Rock. In addition to the demand for their immediate unemployment and reincorporation into the national territory ”, in this context of Brexit.

In the initiative, consulted by ELMIRA.es, the Board is asked to denounce the “concealment” of the agreement reached between the Government of Spain and that of the United Kingdom. Everything about the new relationship that the territory of Gibraltar will have with the rest of Spain.

Agreement with the United Kingdom

Likewise, the Junta to demand that the National Executive reject an agreement with the Government of the United Kingdom that implies “any transfer or qualification of the historical claims of Spain on the Rock and the demand for its immediate unemployment Y reincorporation to the national territory«. And that it opposes “any agreement with the Government of the United Kingdom that does not forcefully address the situation of the labor rights of workers in Campo de Gibraltar. In addition to the dismemberment of money laundering networks; tax evasion and smuggling present in the Crag after years of inaction by the Spanish authorities ”.

Likewise, the “immediate closure of the gate with Gibraltar is proposed as part of the health measures aimed at preventing the entry of Covid-19 from countries with high risk of spread, such as the United Kingdom, as long as the health risk subsists.”

Guarantee your health

As required, said closure will not affect the workers who travel to the Rock every day; With respect to which the pertinent measures must be taken to guarantee their health and safety.

In the event that these cannot be guaranteed, Vox raises in the initiative that the Government of the nation, together with the regional administration, will proceed to establish a protection mechanism that allows workers affected by the closure to receive their payroll in full.

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