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Voting weekend again under pandemic conditions – City of Zurich

The corona pandemic is ongoing. The city council appeals to those entitled to vote to vote by letter. The operation of the polling stations will again be concentrated in two locations: In the town hall and in the Oerlikon tram depot, voters from all constituencies can cast their votes on Saturday and Sunday morning (media release of January 6, 2021).

The long opening times on Saturday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. should help to ensure that the number of people is better distributed and that waiting times can be kept shorter. Accordingly, it is recommended to those entitled to vote to avoid handing in the ballot box in person shortly before the ballot box closes around noon on Sunday and to visit the voting place earlier or on Saturday. In the interiors and in the case of a high number of people around the townhouse, a mask is required.

The documents can be handed over to the post office until Tuesday, March 2, 2021; and until Sunday, March 7th, 12 noon, those entitled to vote can drop their documents in the mailbox of the town hall.

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