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Votes in Central Switzerland – Results from Central Swiss municipalities from AZ – News

In central Switzerland, there are also local elections and voting. A selection of important decisions in alphabetical order.


Emmen: The electorate is clearly in favor of expanding the Meierhöfli school complex: the 31 million Swiss franc project was approved with 71 percent of yes votes. Voter turnout: 36 percent.

Malters: The electorate clearly supports the overall revision of the local planning. The proportion of yes votes is almost 70 percent. Voter turnout: a good 50 percent.

Root: The voters of Root and Honau have elected the municipal council that will lead the merged municipality from January 1, 2025. Heinz Schumacher (FDP) from Root remains mayor. Voter turnout: 28.5 percent.

Schüpfheim: With 87 percent of voters voting yes, the electorate clearly approved a special loan of around 28 million francs for the new care center. Voter turnout: just under 57 percent.


Oberdorf: The voters have elected three members to the municipal council. One candidate is taking up a new seat on the council. The two previous members who stood for re-election were confirmed in office. Among them is municipal president Judith Odermatt (FDP). Voter turnout: just under 58 percent.


Alpnach: The electorate said a clear yes to the expansion of the water supply twice. With around 80 percent of yes votes each, they approved two loans. Voter turnout: around 44 percent.


Gersau: With a yes share of around 66 percent, the electorate approved a loan of around 700,000 francs. The money can now be spent on protective structures at the Stockbachrunse. Voter turnout: just under 60 percent.

Wollerau: Rolf Sigrist (centre) was newly elected in the by-election. A total of three candidates ran. Voter turnout: 40.72 percent.


Altdorf: Sebastian Züst (SP) will be the new mayor. The other six council members were re-elected. Voter turnout: just under 30 percent.

Burglen: President Claudia Gisler (center) and five other council members were confirmed in office. A new candidate was also elected. Voter turnout was around 29 percent.

Seedorf: Two new candidates have made it onto the municipal council. Two existing members have been confirmed, including mayor Toni Stadelmann. Voter turnout was a good 34 percent.

Seelisberg: Voters approved a loan of 2.45 million francs. The yes vote was almost 89 percent. This will enable the municipality to build a new building that will house the fire department, among other things. Voter turnout: 51 percent.

Silence: The electorate says yes to two road construction projects in the Bristen district. Around 84 percent are in favor of the loan of almost two million francs. Voter turnout: around 42 percent.

To wash: No one has achieved an absolute majority for the two vacant municipal council seats. If no candidates come forward by September 26, the election will be compulsory on November 24.


Baar: The vacant seat on the municipal council has not yet been filled. This means that a second round of voting will take place on November 24. The voters of Baar also clearly approved the Unterfeld Süd and Marktgasse-Rigistrasse development plans. Voter turnout: 40.2 percent.

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