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Vote now! | The election begins: Who should be Head of the Year 2023?

As the year 2023 slowly enters the home stretch, we want to bring to light those people who have shaped the Styrian regions this year with their commitment and achievements. We are looking for the heads of the year again.

You, dear users, have uploaded numerous suggestions in the past few weeks – thank you very much for that! From hundreds of nominated candidates, all of whom deserved to win at the end of the day, we have distilled an exciting field of participants for the election that is now starting.

It’s starting!

From now on there are available in the four regions of Upper Styria, East & Southeast Styria, South & West Styria and Graz & the surrounding area seven categories five notable candidates for election: You have distinguished yourself in business and research, left your mark on the cultural scene, achieved sensational achievements in sport, and as entertainers ensured that we still have something to laugh about. They were perfect hosts, appeared for the first time or are doing great things in the area of ​​social work and volunteer work.

Now it’s up to you: From today on, dear users, you can cast your vote here at www.kleinezeitung.at/koepfe. Who deserves to be Head of the Year the most? Join us! You can vote until the end of the year. Then the counting takes place.

We want to celebrate those candidates who ultimately won the race at gala evenings in the Skyroom of the Styria Media Center in Graz in the new year.

2023-11-25 17:15:30
#Vote #election #begins #Year

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