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Vorsprung Online – New Main Crossing: The search for the location

At the steering committee meeting on July 14, 2022, they decided to tender the feasibility study for the project.

“An additional Main crossing would be beneficial for the flow of traffic in the region. In addition to a positive effect on motorized traffic, I also hope for an attractive, safe and direct new connection route for pedestrians and cyclists,” said Rouven Kötter, first deputy of the regional association and responsible for mobility.

After the decision of the steering committee, the regional association will now implement the two-stage tendering process of the feasibility study in a timely manner. “The tendering process takes about three months. “I expect that we will then be able to award the feasibility study at the end of October or beginning of November,” said Kötter with regard to the schedule. The first councilor expects the results of the study after ten to twelve months, i.e. by the end of 2023. Everyone involved is hoping that the study will provide clear statements as to the location and type of bridge that makes sense from a traffic point of view, is structurally feasible and economically feasible. The effects of such a bridge on local and regional traffic will play a special role.

In order to further pursue the idea of ​​the bridge construction project, the cities, districts and regional association mentioned signed a cooperation agreement in 2021. In this context, there was a preliminary examination of the bridge project in cooperation with Hessen Mobil. The result was the recommendation of a “combined bridge for motorized private transport, local public transport (ÖPNV), for pedestrians and cyclists” between the Rumpenheim ferry in the Offenbach-Rumpenheim area and the Steinheim bridge in the Hanau-Steinheim area. The variant test of a “combined pedestrian and bicycle bridge” is also recorded as a fallback level.

In the “New Main Crossing” project, the regional association contributes to the planning costs, is in charge of the coordination process, coordinates joint communication, checks the raising of funds, oversees the public tender and commissions the planning office. In addition, the “New Main Crossing” project is the 24th measure to supplement the association’s FrankfurtRheinMain mobility strategy.

Monika Böttcher, Mayor of the City of Maintal: “The feasibility study on crossing the Main is the start of a crucial phase. From my point of view, it is important that local mobility – for pedestrians and cyclists – as well as climate friendliness are in the foreground. Because Maintal is particularly affected by through traffic. It is therefore important to manage traffic flows intelligently – for more quality of life in our city and in the region”.

Claudia Jäger, first district councilor of the district of Offenbach: “The fact that we took this unanimous decision shows once again that cooperation in the region works extremely well,” says the first district councilor of the Offenbach district, Claudia Jäger. “Traffic problems do not begin and end at municipal borders. Only through joint, coordinated action can we get them under control. The result of this study will give us a reliable basis for our further decisions.”

Thomas Morlock, City Councilor of the City of Hanau: “As a large city with increasing traffic, Hanau believes that a new Main crossing is urgently needed. A new bridge over the Main between Hanau/Maintal on the one hand and Mühlheim on the other hand has the potential to reduce avoidable, detour through traffic and the associated noise and air pollution from inner-city locations in Mühlheim, Maintal and Hanau. The city of Hanau appreciates the cooperative inter-municipal cooperation and the coordination by the regional association in this important regional transport infrastructure project.”

Winfried Ottmann, district councilor of the Main-Kinzig district: “Since the ferry between Dörnigheim and Mühlheim was shut down, the route across the Main has become much longer and more cumbersome for many people. An additional bridge, which serves both motorized private transport and local public transport and offers cyclists and pedestrians in particular the opportunity to cross the Main, would send a strong signal to the region with regard to the mobility turnaround. The Main-Kinzig district therefore welcomes and supports the forthcoming call for tenders for a feasibility study on the new Main crossing and is looking forward to the results.”

Daniel Tybussek, Mayor of the city of Mühlheim am Main: “We are pleased about the good inter-municipal cooperation and joint approach and thank the regional association for taking the lead. Even if we see the chances and possibilities of an additional Main crossing, an open-ended examination is an essential point for our city, because it is important to avoid negative effects on the quality of life in our city, for example through additional through traffic. A bridge for pedestrians and cyclists is more than an alternative worth considering these days.”

Vorsprung Online – New Main Crossing: The search for the location

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The Osthafen Bridge is the last above-ground Main crossing to be built in the FrankfurtRheinMain region. The starting signal has just been given for a feasibility study for another Main crossing. Image source (illustration and photo): Regionalverband FrankfurtRheinMain

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