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Vorsprung Online – Music and singing are a part of our lives

For example, you can make music with a piano, a guitar, a drum set or a computer. Like speech, music is transmitted from the instrument to the ear with sound waves. And singing, is the musical use of the human voice and is probably the oldest and most original form of human musical expression. Singing exists in very different forms, from spontaneous, improvised singing of individual tones or sequences of tones to folk songs to art songs, virtuosically decorated art singing and monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic choral music.

For me, music and singing are as essential to life as food and drink and air to breathe. I need them for my wellbeing. Music and singing keep me healthy! They kill time and make you happy! Yes, if I listen to them and don’t disturb anyone. It can possibly make the other person ill because it annoys him and he probably doesn’t want to hear any music right now or it’s much too loud. So remember, if we want to listen to music at home, then at a volume that doesn’t bother anyone. This is so easy.

Why isn’t everyone sticking to it anyway? Probably because they believe the louder the louder. Well, that’s debatable. For me, the volume is not an indicator of good music. The volume certainly also plays a role, but not a major one for me. Yes, that may be the case at concerts, but not at home in the quiet little room. And if so, then please with headphones. I’ve never loved it so intensely and certainly not now at almost 70 years of age. That only hurts.

Back to music and singing. I like listening to music and singing. Thanks to the internet, I can bring almost anything into my room. Because music and singing not only sound beautiful, they are also good for your health and can even support healing. The reason for these powers lies in the brain, because music stimulates so-called neuroplasticity, i.e. the ability of the brain to change its structures throughout life. And, they distract us from the “everyday worries” and ailments that plague us so much. They employed us. Especially now in the pandemic times, in the self-imposed isolation, they are an important companion in everyday life. In addition, “feelings of happiness” are released when listening. These in turn relax us and make us cheerful and happy. Relaxation is always good for the body.

Treat your body to some relaxation again. No matter what kind of singing or music we have succumbed to, music and singing are a part of our lives. Even at school, the arts subjects were an important part of complex learning. Not only German, math and the natural sciences, but also sports and culture are important learning units that we need for life after school. Just remember: where people sing, sit down, bad people don’t have songs. I sing for you “Freshly sung” by Friedrich Silcher: “I often rested in the company of loved ones in the fragrant grass and sang myself a little song and everything was pretty and good and sang me a little song and everything was pretty and good and everything, everything and everything was nice and good!”

Goodness, how!

To the author

He is a genuine Neuenhaßlauer, he says of himself. Helmut Müller (69) was born in Neuenhaßlau as the 4th of 7 children and is a typical post-war child. His mother Hessin and Protestant, his father Sudeten German and Catholic, but not a refugee but a prisoner of war who could not return to his ancestral homeland. He grew up in a 4-generation house with his parents, six siblings, grandma and grandpa, uncle and great-grandmother. The playground was the street. In elementary school, which he finished with a secondary school diploma, German was the first foreign language he had to learn. In later years he caught up on his secondary school leaving certificate and the vocational diploma for business and administration and completed the whole thing with a diploma in administration (FH). He was active in several clubs. One could confidently call him a “club boss”. He has accompanied almost all positions held by a board of directors. Contact: This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on!

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