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Voorburgs Dagblad | Run on corona commercial STI tests

Commercial companies that offer STI self-tests are doing very well in corona time. People appear to be switching en masse to this method of testing, because STI care has been scaled down at many GGDs. BNR reports this after a tour of a number of these companies.

GGD personnel are needed en masse for testing for the corona virus and for source and contact research. The demand for self-tests at the commercial provider Testalize is 30 percent higher than in the same period last year. Soapoli online even notes an increase of 45 to 50 percent.

According to a doctor from Soa Aids Nederland, commercial tests usually work just as well, but it must be remembered that for a reliable result you need to know for sure which STI you should test for. And afterwards you do have to find the care you need and it may sometimes be lacking with these providers. “There are good ones, but you’d rather go to your doctor or the GGD, if that works.”

By: ANP | Photo: ANP

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