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VooDooSh told how to make the fifth position in Dota 2 matchmaking more popular

Streamer Alexander VooDooSh Shalchinov spoke about searching by roles in Dota 2 matchmaking and the need to receive tokens to play in your favorite position. He shared his opinion during the broadcast; the content maker’s quote was provided by the CYBER portal.

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[Жетоны нужны, чтобы балансить разное количество людей на разных ролях] This is complete [чушь], I don’t agree with this. I believe that this can be done completely differently. It’s just elementary. If there [ненужная] “five”, which no one wants to play, Valve simply makes a basic reward, for example, for playing on “five” – ​​a chest with clothes, with some kind of bonus. All you need to do is give some bonus for an “A”, for example, for a “A” you give 15% more rating. And people will regale this “five”, there will be those who want to play on it. Yes, something needs to be given.

If you [ошиблись] and your game is complete from a game design point of view [ерунда], because you have a “five” that no one wants to play because it’s complete crap, then you just simply have to encourage the people who do it. You don’t have to force people to eat shit, give a little encouragement and people will start playing on their own. It’s super simple and super basic. And how much negativity is sowed by the fact that I go in and play a role that I don’t want to play, a character that I don’t want to play.

I don’t want to play on the “five”, I don’t want to play on this Lyon, I don’t know how to buy these wards, this is for me [вообще] No need. I want to play on the “troika”, I’m ready to wait as long as I need, no question. There’s no need to force me to go farm this token, spoil my mood, and ruin the skating rink for my opponents.

Introduce role play and not give the opportunity to choose a role. Because in order to choose a role, you must earn a token by serving in the position you are in [долбил] play. This is complete [чушь]. I don’t know how else to say this.

Earlier, e-sportsman Ilya Lil Ilyuk talked about playing in fifth position in the rating matchmaking. He believes that it is impossible to get out of low ranks in this role.

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