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Von der Leyen elected for second time period in European Fee

Brussels. European Union leaders agreed on Friday to nominate German Ursula von der Leyen for a second five-year time period as president of the European Fee, the EU’s highly effective govt physique.

At a summit in Brussels, the bloc’s 27 nationwide leaders additionally elected former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa as future president of European Council conferences and Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas as the following head of the EU’s international coverage. EU.

The management group represents the continuity of the 27-member bloc, by which pro-European centrist factions preserve the highest positions, regardless of the expansion of the far proper within the European Parliament elections held earlier this month.

The trio gained broad backing from leaders, however diplomats stated Italy’s right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni abstained from voting on von der Leyen and voted towards Costa and Kallas.

Von der Leyen’s appointment should nonetheless be permitted by the European Parliament in a secret vote, which is taken into account harder than endorsement by EU leaders.

On the summit, the EU additionally signed a safety settlement with Ukraine, mentioned tips on how to strengthen the EU’s defenses towards Russia and agreed on the bloc’s strategic priorities for the following 5 years.

The safety settlement underlines the EU’s assist for kyiv in its battle towards Moscow’s invasion for the third 12 months in a row, regardless of the advances of the far proper within the European elections, the uncertainty created by the French early elections and the vote November US presidential election.

The settlement units out EU commitments to help Ukraine in 9 areas of safety coverage, together with arms provides, army coaching, defence business cooperation and demining.

“These commitments will assist Ukraine defend itself, resist destabilisation and deter future acts of aggression – additional proof of the EU’s unwavering willpower to assist Ukraine in the long run,” stated the present President of the European Council, Charles Michel.

The leaders will reiterate their dedication to assist Ukraine for so long as needed, stressing that “Russia should not prevail” and that Ukraine should recuperate territory annexed by Moscow.

#Von #der #Leyen #elected #time period #European #Fee
– 2024-06-28 13:13:31

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