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Von der Layen: EC gives green light to Bulgaria’s Recovery Plan – Society – Bulgaria – NOVA News

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen presented the EC’s assessment of the Bulgarian Recovery and Sustainability Plan, announcing that today the Commission is giving it the green light.

“Thank you for the warm welcome! I look forward to our visit to Sofia University. I know that this is the place where Bulgaria’s top achievements are. We talked about the need to combine excellence in science with the business sector for product development. I know that there are exceptional projects “, explained von der Layen.

Today the European Commission gives the green light to the Plan of Bulgaria. This is an exceptional plan, almost 60% of which supports the green transition – this is important and welcome. We need Bulgaria to be with us on the road to climate neutrality in the EU “, added the President of the European Commission.

Von der Leyen described the Bulgarian plan as “very good” and as one of the greenest the Commission has received. “60% of it is dedicated to the Green Pact. It is important to have a trajectory to reduce emissions by 40% by 2025. You are tripling the production of energy from renewable sources by 2026. You also have a plan to phase out coal-fired power plants. This is one of the most ambitious plans we have received in terms of the European Green Pact, “she said. He mentioned that it is extremely important for Bulgaria to diversify the access to gas.

The President of the European Commission pointed out that Bulgaria is focusing on two of the main and important topics of the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification – the reform of the Anti-Corruption Commission and the accountability of the Prosecutor General. “These are two important steps that are mandatory as part of the Mechanism. That is how you will achieve your goals “, Von der Layen was categorical.

Asked whether the European Commission supports the proposal for the closure of specialized justice, created on the proposal of the EC, she replied: “There is a very clear plan and goals that are described on this topic. The main thing is accountability. Each system must have mutual control and accountability. These are the necessary steps for reforms and they are set out in the Plan. “

The plan was submitted on October 15, 2021. In the evaluation, the EC stressed the need for changes in areas such as energy, rule of law and transport in order to comply with European requirements.

The updated plan of the Petkov cabinet includes 57 investments and 47 reforms in 12 different areas, which must be implemented by 2026. For this purpose, Bulgaria will receive over BGN 12 billion in European funding.

In conclusion, Von der Layen commented on the enlargement of the European Union, referring to Northern Macedonia and Albania. She pointed out that she relies on Bulgaria to lead the process skillfully, adding that she believes we can do it.

“In 2020, the European Council took a very important decision to say: ‘Now is the time and we promise to start accession negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania.’ The European Council has made a final decision and it is important that we implement it together, “she said.

The President of the EC stressed that the topic of protection of minorities is a core value of the EU. “This is Art. 2 of our contract. And in this whole process, this topic comes to our attention. That is why it is important that we keep our promise to our neighbors in these difficult times. This time is special, difficult and stormy. Nothing will be the same as before the war. I rely on Bulgaria to be able to lead the process skillfully, I know you can do it, “said von der Leyen.

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