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Vomiting blood in cats? (domestic cat, animal health, cat health)

Cat vomits food without hair, still normal? (including picture)?

One of our cats vomits her barely digested wet food irregularly (about once a week, but often several times a day). There are a few hairs in it, but it is not the well-known “hair vomiting” of cats.

We have already been to the vet, who could not find anything after the first examination and described her as “apparently perfectly healthy”, but gave her an injection to prevent vomiting as a precaution. After that, she was fine for a week. Last week she threw up once and today twice.

We haven’t changed the food for months, but we suspect that the recipe may have changed slightly. The shape and color of the wet food looked a little different recently (about 2 weeks before the vomiting started). Could this be related to the vomiting? Perhaps a change in the recipe is the cause? The food is the “thrive” brand, the “Sardine & Mackerel” variety.

The cat otherwise appears to be very healthy, is still active and happy with no signs of diarrhea, fever or lethargy. She is a pure house cat. The second cat we have is doing well, with no vomiting.

Attached is an example picture of the vomit, sorry for the sight 🥲 The cat did not vomit the litter, that comes from the cat scratching at the “accident site”.

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