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Voltaire: The Master Tweeter of His Time and Today

François-Marie Arouet, better known by the pseudonym Voltaire, if he had been born in this century, would have been the best tweeter of all time.

He had accurate and forceful phrases for everything and everyone. He was incapable of keeping quiet, and his penchant for bidding, often against the powerful, earned him prison and exile on more than one occasion.

He even bought a house near the Swiss border, in case he had to flee when he got into trouble, which was often the case.

Thanks to his genius and loquacity, the famous French philosopher left us pearls like these:

1. Violent censorship accredits the opinions they attack.

2. When it comes to money, we are all of the same religion.

3. Doubt is not a very pleasant state, but certainty is a ridiculous state.

4. I gently approach the moment when philosophers and imbeciles have the

same destiny.

5. I don’t agree with what you say, but I would fight for you to

I could say it.

6. The secret to boring people is to say everything.

7. Idiocy is an extraordinary illness, it is not the patient who suffers from it,

but the others.

8. Dear God, save me from my friends! I’ll take care of the enemies.

9. Only he who knows how to limit his desires is immensely rich.

10. Common sense is not so common.

2023-10-05 16:50:53
#ten #phrases #Voltaire #tweeter #time

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